Redback takes on the greenback

It wasn’t that long ago, just 15 years, when few outside China wanted to deal in yuan. It had little weight in the global basket of currencies that are traded daily, so little that it was almost irrelevant. Few countries held yuan as a store of value. And it was mostly used in payments for goods.

But that is starting to change as China embarks on a plan designed to make the yuan – or renminbi – a genuine force in world markets that is designed in the long run to challenge the hegemony of the mighty greenback. Already some foreign currency experts refer to the renminbi as the ‘redback.’

In the latest example of the way China, in a grand plan orchestrated by President Xi Jinping, is pushing its currency into world markets, Argentina paid half of its $2.7bn debt instalment to the International Monetary Fund in yuan rather than in precious US dollars, in August. It did so by tapping a currency swap line, a common arrangement between central banks, that Argentina set up with China 15 years ago. Under a swap line the other party, in this case China, provides the equivalent in yuan of the required amount.

The yuan has a growing role in safeguarding the financial stability of developing economies

A serial defaulter over the years, Argentina is just one year into a new $44bn programme financed by the IMF. The economically beleaguered nation could hardly afford to miss a payment on what is essentially an emergency loan, and China came to the rescue.

It’s the second time that Argentina has dipped into the yuan trough via the swap line to meet its IMF obligations, the last being in June. The swap arrangement is China’s current tactic to deepen the power of its currency. In technical terms it’s an agreement established between two central banks to exchange their currencies to an agreed amount. The pact allows one country’s central bank to obtain foreign currency liquidity from the other central bank, usually to finance bilateral trade and direct investment. In the case of the China-Argentina swap line, it allows Argentine’s central bank to receive yuan from its Chinese equivalent in exchange for an equivalent amount of pesos.

China and Argentina first signed a currency swap agreement in 2009 for 70bn yuan ($10.3bn) and expanded it to 130bn yuan ($19.1bn) in 2018. The arrangement has been a lifesaver for Argentina. In January 2023 the government used it to ward off a foreign exchange crisis. And, furthering the relationship, Argentina will now start paying in yuan for Chinese imports as it runs out of dollar reserves.

Things to come
This latest stepping stone in the internationalisation of the yuan, one of several, has been hailed in China as a precursor of big things to come. Citing experts, the Communist Party-owned China Daily trumpeted in August: “The Chinese renminbi, also known as the yuan, has emerged as a safeguard of global financial stability, shielding an increasing number of developing economies from the spill over effect of drastic adjustments in US monetary policy.”

Weighing in on what is in fact a small deal in terms of the vast forex markets, senior economist Yue Yunxia described the yuan-pesos exchange as “a significant, innovative step in renminbi internationalisation.”

Argentina’s plight was painted as being worsened by the US Federal Reserve’s “aggressive interest rate hikes which intensified the Argentine peso’s depreciation and increased the country’s debt burden.” As such, argued Yunxia, it proved that the yuan has a growing role in safeguarding the financial stability of developing economies as they increasingly opt for the yuan in international settlements and financing. And another economic professor, Wang Jinbin, highlighted the rescue capabilities of the yuan. “It has provided economies suffering from a dollar shortage with an alternative option for trade settlements.”

Up to a point that’s true. Other dollar-short countries such as Brazil and Bolivia also regularly make use of the renminbi in international trade under prearranged swap lines like that of Argentina. And in defiance of international sanctions India recently paid for Russian oil in yuan.

Viewed in context
However, the global data shows that these claims must be taken with a pinch of salt. Even though 2023 has been a good year for the internationalisation of the Chinese currency, its share of global payments is still just 2.77 percent, according to global financial messaging platform SWIFT, while the dollar’s share stands at over 42 percent. As of mid-2023 the yuan trailed well behind the euro, sterling and the yen in global payments.

The yuan trailed well behind the euro, sterling and the yen in global payments

And the greenback shows few or no signs of weakness. As the US Federal Reserve pointed out in a recent paper, the dollar has sailed through recent disruptions such as Covid-19 and US sanctions against Russia that many economists expected would erode its dominance. After carefully reviewing the use of the dollar in its three major global roles – in international reserves, as a currency anchor, and in transactions, the Fed concludes: “We find that the dollar remains the dominant currency and plays an outsized international role as measured by usage in international reserves and other dimensions relative to the US share of global GDP.” In fact, by all these measures the dollar’s international usage is basically unchanged over the past five years and little-changed in 20 years.

Unfortunately for China, its ambitions for the yuan run into the overriding confidence that the world has in the greenback, particularly when measured by its weighting in official forex reserves. In short, as an anchor currency for stormy seas. “The dollar comprised 58 percent of disclosed global official foreign reserves in 2022 and far surpassed all other currencies including the euro (21 percent), Japanese yen (six percent), British pound (five percent), and the Chinese renminbi (three percent),” highlights the Fed.

Put another way, the disruptions of Covid and the war in Ukraine have only served to strengthen confidence in the dollar as an anchor currency.

There’s also a vast amount of paper banknotes held in foreign hands. Indeed the volume has actually increased over the past two decades, both on an absolute basis and as a fraction of banknotes outstanding. By the Fed’s calculations, more than $1trn in banknotes is owned outside the US. That’s about half of all US dollar banknotes on issue, and nobody seems to be in a hurry to cash them in.

Step by step
Typically patient, China has adopted a step-by-step approach to the expansion of the role of the yuan that started in mid-2009. The first move was a new scheme for the settlement of trade claims abroad, primarily through the kind of swap lines used by Argentina. That meant there was a lender of last resort in trade-based renminbi lending.

The establishment of the swap lines has proved crucial. As a 2020 Bank of England paper entitled ‘Jump starting an international currency’ explains, they began to boost usage of the currency. “An upward trend is visible from 2010 onwards with renminbi usage rising from near zero to a peak at around four percent of global payments in 2015. Since then the trend has levelled out and usage is running at just under three percent.”

A big problem for China though is that only those countries that trade heavily with China use the currency the most. Many countries still don’t use it at all. That’s one reason why China is relaxing its strict capital controls. Although it is the largest goods exporter in the world, those controls made it difficult for the currency to be used internationally.

Bit by bit, China is softening its rules. Foreign investors are now allowed to trade in yuan-denominated stocks as well as in bonds via Hong Kong and in exchange-traded funds and interest rate swaps. The last two only became possible in 2022 and 2023.

Simultaneously, notes an analysis by Nikei, “Beijing has signalled it looks to push harder to expand the yuan’s role in cross-border payments.” This is exactly what Argentina is doing in trade transactions.

In late 2023 the yuan looks to be on the rise. In the second quarter of this year it was used in 49 percent of China’s cross-border transactions, topping the dollar for the first time, according to the Nikkei analysis. The main causes are China’s continuing liberalisation of its capital markets and, in what economists call an exogenous trigger, a growing yuan-based trade with Russia that is obviously a direct and disruptive result of the Ukraine war.

This is enough for some to see the yuan becoming the vehicle for eventually undermining the dollar. Citing India’s yuan-based purchase of Russian oil, Radhika Desai, director of the geopolitical economy research group at the University of Manitoba, says it “offers further evidence of the de-dollarisation of the global economy” and a “loss of trust in the crisis-prone US financial system.”

While it will be news to most economists that the US economy is crisis-prone, particularly as it is growing strongly, there are certainly undercurrents in the global financial markets that bear watching.

However, the weight of history is against any upheaval of the dollar. As the Fed points out, the only time in the last 100 years that one currency abruptly lost its dominance was when the dollar replaced sterling in the financial chaos following the First World War, an event formalised in the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944.

Alternative investments include liquid assets

In the last decade, bourbon, America’s native spirit, has witnessed an unprecedented resurgence with bottles such as Pappy Van Winkle achieving cult-like status. And even expressions that were mainstays at the local liquor store just a year ago have all but vanished today. Throughout Kentucky’s bluegrass country, bourbon distilleries have been battling to keep up with this surge in global demand, largely driven by consumer appreciation for the spirit’s rich, unique flavour profile.

Historically, the distilleries’ rite of passage was a waiting game. They lovingly distilled the spirit, encased it in oak barrels, and then paused, letting time and nature work their magic. They’d wait, sometimes for decades, for the bourbon to mature and only then could they monetise this labour of love. This waiting and the resulting impact on distillery cash flow held the reins on a distillery’s ambitions and production volumes.

In an industry where aging is an essential part of the product’s value, producing more to meet demand isn’t as simple as ramping up production. It involves a delicate, years-long process for which there is no substitute. Production today will only offset demand in years to come, and it’s impossible to turn back the hands of time.

Traditionally, distilleries financed their operations through the sale of their matured bourbon. This model, though time-tested, meant they had to wait anywhere from four to 20 years for the bourbon to mature before they could monetise their product. This waiting game hindered distillery expansion to meet burgeoning demand.

A new era
Today, however, a group of finance visionaries is rewriting this narrative. They’re stepping in, offering to shoulder this wait, thereby providing an immediate lifeline of capital for the distilleries. The method is delightfully simple – they buy casks of newly distilled whiskey, which are then left to mature.

For the investors, it’s the opportunity to profit as the whiskey they own matures

This strategy is a game changer, both for the distilleries and the investors. For distilleries, it’s an instant cash injection, enabling them to boost production and meet the global thirst for their bourbon. For the investors, it’s the opportunity to profit as the whiskey they own matures and appreciates in value. Beyond the potential to generate strong returns, bourbon cask investing offers a number of additional benefits to investors.

One of those benefits is the tangible nature of bourbon casks. In a world where portfolios are filled with financial instruments that lack a physical presence, it can be reassuring to own an investment you can touch and even taste, all while it continues to improve with time. And, given that bourbon casks fall under the strict oversight of the federal government due to laws governing spirits production, investors can rest assured that a watchful eye will be kept on the storage facilities in which their investments are held.

Investing in bourbon casks also offers some powerful advantages over their bottled counterparts. The first of which is that the provenance of bourbon casks is guaranteed due to storage being maintained at a federally licensed facility through the entirety of the investment lifecycle. Whereas there have been forgeries identified among rare bourbon bottles sold on the secondary market, it would be nearly impossible for a cask to be misrepresented.

Additionally, prices of bottled bourbon are only impacted by changes in demand due to the fact that after bourbon is placed into glass the aging process stops. Since bourbon only matures while it is contained inside of the cask, investing in barrelled bourbon is the only way to purchase the asset in a manner that capitalises on the aging process of the spirit. The powerful nature of this characteristic stands in stark contrast to other tangible assets which simply remain the same, or even depreciate with age.

Cultural heritage
However, the impact of these investments transcends the financial benefits. Investors, in their pursuit of returns, find themselves guardians of a cherished tradition, custodians of a slice of American cultural heritage. Their capital doesn’t just generate profits; it sustains jobs, bolsters local economies, and ultimately fills glasses worldwide with joy.

Recognising the opportunity of whiskey casks as an asset class, Los Angeles based CaskX have risen to the forefront. The CaskX platform has led the market forward, providing a mechanism that bridges the gap between bourbon distilleries and potential investors, managing everything from procurement to storage, making this investment avenue more accessible than it’s ever been before. As the market matures additional firms will likely follow suit to further advance the industry.

Ultimately, bourbon cask investing is more than a promising financial venture. It’s a story of tradition meeting modern finance, of patience rewarding anticipation, of investors and distilleries coming together to keep the bourbon flowing. As the global palate continues to savour bourbon, these investors can’t help but raise a glass to their flavourful assets, a testament to their foresight and the rich history of bourbon.

Is economics broken?

When Claudia Goldin won the Nobel Prize in Economics last October, many of her colleagues rejoiced. The prestigious award endows the Harvard University academic with an aura of respectability that few female economists enjoy. At the crossroads of economics, history and gender studies, her work shines a light on the unrecognised value of female labour. “She has brought women to the forefront of economic study, an area that has historically been overlooked,” says Stefania Paredes Fuentes, an economist at Warwick University studying diversity in economics education, adding; “Traditional economic models with representative agents often neglect the role of women in the economy, perpetuating a lack of recognition of gender roles in the labour market.”

One reason why Goldin’s win has been welcomed with enthusiasm is that her accomplishment is so rare. Only three women have ever won the award, all in the 21st century (see Fig 1). Goldin is the first woman to receive the award without sharing it with male colleagues. This reflects the gender gap facing economics, with fewer than one out of four tenured professors in the US being women, compared to 43 percent for other disciplines. “Stereotypical perceptions of economics as a discipline dominated by men from the upper-middle class wearing suits and talking about money persist, which, combined with the scarcity of female role models, deters young women from pursuing economics from the outset,” says Fuentes. Goldin’s recognition, she hopes, could help change that, emphasising that economics is “a discipline centred around studying our society and its people, not just money and banking.”

Rage against the models
As a science, economics has never been more widely read and discussed, occasionally even turning into a pop culture phenomenon. Economists like Thomas Piketty, author of the much-discussed and little-read Capital in the 21st Century, and Yannis Varoufakis, Greece’s former finance minister, are the high-brow equivalents of football superstars, filling amphitheatres with young students hungry for alternatives to runaway capitalism. At the same time, the discipline has never faced more uncertainty and criticism, even from within its own ranks. Following the Brexit referendum, Andy Haldane, then Chief Economist of the Bank of England, acknowledged that the profession faces a crisis, as economists are increasingly blamed for society’s ills, while failing to account for human irrationality. A 2019 YouGov survey for Bristol University found that economists were among the ‘least trusted professionals’ in the UK.

Claudia Goldin, Nobel Prize winner

One reason for the discipline’s unpopularity is its complexity. “Economists have made a point of turning economics into a closed profession with a lot of jargon. People think that economics is beyond their understanding,” says Paola Subacchi, who teaches international economics at Queen Mary University of London. Despite being a social science, economics relies on advanced mathematics to describe a complex phenomenon like the economy. A recent survey of 350 Bachelor’s degrees by the International Student Initiative for Pluralism in Economics, a group including over 100 universities worldwide, found that economics degrees were highly mathematical, with non-mathematical subjects covered by just 2.5 percent of modules, while real-world applications and history were largely ignored. “The way economics is taught in universities does not include half the tools and concepts necessary to understand economic problems. The core of economics teaching is mathematics, statistics, macroeconomics and microeconomics, meaning that there is no pluralism in terms of theories and disciplines,” says Arthur Jatteau, the University of Lille economist who led the project.

Such formalisation is a product of the discipline’s history. Economics started as a branch of philosophy, evolving into a social science in the 19th century. Even then, it was largely free of mathematics. Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations includes no equations. Despite its humble beginnings as a ‘moral science,’ the discipline soon adopted mathematical modelling in an effort to wear the impenetrable armour of objectivity that only ‘hard’ sciences like physics can boast of. The turn towards neoclassical approaches, which emphasise supply and demand equilibriums, enabled economists to pass their policy prescriptions as scientific analysis. “Mathiness comes from this pursuit of influence,” says George DeMartino, an economist who teaches at the University of Denver. “It sends a signal to policymakers that they don’t understand what economists do and therefore they must defer to their judgement.” Milton Friedman, the high priest of free markets, famously argued that it did not matter if models made unrealistic assumptions, as long as they accurately forecast the economy’s ups and downs. For many economists, this approach is necessary for the science to maintain its academic rigour.
“Mathematics in economics brings transparency in that it makes assumptions explicit. So the models still work in most cases,” says Jon Danielsson, an economist and co-director of the LSE’s Systemic Risk Centre.

The issue came to the fore recently due to the failure of models to predict the inflation crisis. In an astounding admission, Belgium’s central bank governor Pierre Wunsch acknowledged that the European Central Bank’s models were practically useless. “It was more or less impossible in our models to produce any inflation that would not be temporary,” Wunsch said last year, explaining that they always showed price rises falling under the bank’s two percent target. The issue had broader political repercussions, with central banks taking flak for failing to grapple with the first inflation crisis since the early 1980s. Some economists dismiss these failures as part of the forecasting game. “Inflation forecasting models are notoriously unreliable, but that does not mean other models are unreliable,” says Danielsson, adding; “It’s a complicated problem and anybody trying to solve it would be an economist, whether by training or otherwise.”

For others, however, it’s emblematic of the profession’s shortcomings. “The problem with modelling inflation is that we need to take into account many different components, including some that are not easily quantified, like expectations,” says Subacchi. “We think that people are rational, but human behaviour depends on emotions, which are not easily modelled.” The emphasis on mathematics enhances the profession’s nearly inherent elitism, argues Veronika Dolar, an economist teaching at SUNY Old Westbury. “We push this idea of profit and GDP maximisation to such an extreme that we think everything can be quantified. Sometimes we lose track of the fact that maximising GDP is just a proxy for improving wellbeing,” she says, adding: “This kind of thinking facilitates the self-selection of people who might be excellent academically, but misunderstand the big picture.”

One subfield that questions rational assumptions is behavioural economics, which deploys insights from psychology to explain economic behaviour. Despite its popularity, the field is facing criticism for the controversial data collection and analysis techniques used by many prominent behaviour economists. One of them, the Duke academic Dan Ariely, who has made his name by exploring honesty and its role in economic transactions, has come under fire for using data of dubious credibility in several studies, with other academics being unable to replicate his findings. Another behavioural economist, Francesca Gino, has been put on leave by Harvard University for falsifying results in some of her papers. “In behavioural economics there’s this notion that ‘p-hacking’ {the misuse of data analysis to present non-existing patterns as statistically significant} is not as bad as outright faking or manipulating data. In my mind, presenting what you want to see is data fabrication or manipulation,” says Lakshmi Balachandra, an economist who teaches entrepreneurship at Babson College.

Her own concerns over the methods used by another behavioural economist during her postgraduate studies had been dismissed as irrelevant. One reason for that tacit acceptance of dodgy practices, she argues, is that behavioural economists work with large datasets that can be easily manipulated to produce the desired results, while samples are often selected from specific demographic groups, such as undergraduate students.

An immoral science
While concerns over academic integrity and research reproducibility are not uncommon among other sciences, economics faces a much bigger ethical crisis. One piece missing from its models, argues George DeMartino, author of The Tragic Science: How Economists Cause Harm, is an understanding of the harm that theories can cause, as most economists believe that some collateral damage is the price to be paid for a higher good. The gap separating economists from those who cannot master its advanced mathematics results in a sense of entitlement. “There’s this profound paternalism in the profession that economists know best, and society should defer to our judgement because everybody will be better off,” DeMartino says. “If you take this approach, you find that it’s okay to deceive.” One example is the ‘Shock therapy’ imposed on post-Soviet Russia by a group of Russian and foreign economists, seeking to transform the country into a market economy. The economic argument, DeMartino suggests in his book, was a smoke screen for economists to pursue their agenda. As an antidote to such behaviour, he believes that economics teaching needs to incorporate ethics, notably what he calls ‘moral geometry’: the study of how complex economic policies could affect and potentially harm different groups.

Is economics sexist?

In an era where discrimination against disadvantaged groups is openly discussed, the question of whether economics faces a gender problem is becoming more salient. A 2020 study claimed that inherent biases in the way the discipline is taught make economics students more sexist as they progress with their studies. Some economics textbooks have been criticised for being biased against women, while more than three out of four research papers are written by male economists. Gender disparity starts early on and progresses from A-levels to university, according to Stefania Fuentes from the University of Warwick, who headed a report on the demographics of economics students in the UK. “The lack of female representation can be attributed to the unwelcoming environment women and minorities often encounter in economics,” she says, adding: “This includes documented instances of sexism within economics departments, where women are more likely to experience harassment and face a hostile environment during conferences and presentations. They are also held to higher standards in their academic work: they need to write better academic papers, and are subject to higher standards in general.”

The main problem is not the number of women studying economics, according to Paola Subacchi, but the lack of visible female economists like the Nobel laureate Claudia Goldin. “We need to have more women everywhere in economics, not just women studying women in gender-oriented economics,” she says. For her part, Balachandra from Babson believes that the profession is in for some soul-searching. “We have a white male-dominated network effect. If you’re part of this patriarchal hierarchy, your research is automatically considered better,” she says, adding: “If you’re not from a branded institution like Harvard, MIT or Stanford, your research isn’t considered as good.” Economic policymaking is also dominated by male economists. Currently, only 26 of the 190 IMF member countries have female finance ministers, while just 17 have a woman at the helm of their central bank. Such absence of diversity has broader impacts, says Fuentes: “Diversity among economists is instrumental in policymaking,” she says. “Without diversity, there is a higher risk of groupthink, which hampers thorough analyses of alternatives and consideration of consequences, ultimately hindering the quality of policy outcomes.”

Another reason why economics is becoming an anathema for the public is its sheer power. In the wake of the Great Depression and WWII, a global wave of Keynesian interventionism filled government bureaucracies and international organisations with economists. From an academic discipline, economics transformed itself into a way of governing. When neoclassical economics replaced Keynesianism as the dominant paradigm in the 1970s, a new generation of economists played a central role in market-orientated reforms such as lowering tax rates. This gave rise to what James Kwak, author of Economism: Bad Economics and the Rise of Inequality, calls ‘economism’: an ideology that posed as scientific analysis, aiming to replace post-war planning with unfettered free markets. As the discipline gradually shifted from demand to supply side approaches and monetarism, thinkers like Friedman and politicians like Ronald Reagan imposed a new economic model that emphasised deregulation and a smaller role for the state. “Many prominent economists actively promote the idea that simplistic models should be the basis for policy,” Kwak says, adding: “Economics 101 is taught everywhere in a way that encourages people to remember the simple models and forget all the caveats that come with them.”

Populist backlash
While such ideological commitment has increased the influence of economists, it has also exposed them to harsh critiques. The first shock came in 2008 when the financial crisis gripped the global economy. Mainstream economics was blamed for failing to anticipate the credit crunch and prolonging the subsequent crisis through misguided austerity policies. The backlash was severe. Some attribute the rise of populism worldwide to the failure of economists to grapple with the consequences of their actions. Such disillusionment led to a rejection of economic expertise, a sentiment famously expressed by the British politician Michael Gove in the run-up to the Brexit referendum. Asked about several dire economic forecasts about Brexit, Gove said: “I think the people in this country have had enough of experts, from organisations with acronyms, saying that they know what is best and getting it consistently wrong.” He would later clarify that he was referring to economists. Many other politicians have criticised the influence of economists; Donald Trump was notoriously distrustful of economic experts during his presidency. On the left side of the political spectrum, the rise of inequality is often blamed on economics for providing the vocabulary to defend the status quo, an antipathy some speculate transmuted into a broader distrust of experts, as evidenced by anger against public health officials during the pandemic. “Economics deceived the public about the emergence of market fundamentalism, as if we were all going to prosper,” DeMartino says. “It was never honest with the public about the fact that this experiment would have winners and losers. Those who have been harmed are now getting their revenge.”

One particular target of populism has been central bank independence. Politicians on both sides of the Atlantic have questioned the competence of central bank governors, with their failure to anticipate the inflation crisis rekindling the debate on whether elected politicians should have the final say in monetary policy. “Delegating so much decision-making power to experts is unique,” argues Johan Christensen from Leiden University, a political scientist who studies the role of experts in policymaking. “You don’t see that in other policy areas. What we see now is a rebalancing phase, with growing demands for accountability and more political say over what central banks do.”

The backlash has partly borne fruit, as the pendulum is swinging towards more market regulation. International organisations such as the IMF have acknowledged that markets are embedded in societies, rather than self-regulating institutions. Central bank monetary policy is increasingly influenced by new quantitative models, known as Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian (HANK) models, which take into account wealth and income distribution. The prevalent sentiment among economists is a need for change, says VeroniKa Dolar from SUNY: “Even mainstream economists trained in neoclassical approaches are arguing that we can’t keep talking about free markets in the current environment, with low taxes and large corporations influencing politics. There is a shift because the world we live in has changed.” Although the neoclassical school is still dominant, its grip is getting looser, according to Christensen. “New insights make their way into policymaking institutions through graduates equipped with a more up-to-date economics education,” he says, adding: “Over time, the perspectives of these institutions change as their staff changes, but there is a lag in the process.”

New paths
Defenders of economic orthodoxy argue that, like other sciences, economics evolves by learning from its mistakes.

Often adopting interdisciplinary approaches, new subfields are refreshing the discipline with a mix of pragmatism and humility, questioning the need for perfect equilibriums in an imperfect world. Borrowing concepts from computer science and cybernetics, complexity economics studies the interaction of economic networks. Evolutionary economics explains economic transformation through the lens of continuous cultural, institutional and technological change.

Contemporary challenges such as the climate crisis are even pushing economists to question some of the profession’s most sacred principles. Perhaps the most controversial among them is ‘Degrowth,’ a school of thought suggesting that undoing economic growth is necessary to hit net zero targets. Its most radical proponents advocate for a deliberate reduction of GDP, a policy that critics argue would lead to authoritarianism and extreme poverty. “Those ideas have been around since the 1960s, but they’re starting to get traction now outside of economics because of the ecological crisis. If the degrowth movement continues to apply pressure and politicians start to adopt it, then the economics profession will start taking it seriously,” says DeMartino, citing Occupy Wall Street as an example of a political movement that changed mainstream economic thinking on inequality.

Technological change is also affecting the profession, with the big data revolution facilitating a shift toward empirical approaches. One example is experimental economics, which relies on empirical research and statistical analysis of controlled experiments and evidence-based randomised control trials to estimate policy impacts. Its most prominent advocates, Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, who won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics, use field experiments to study the causes of economic relationships in the developing world. Critics have raised questions over the scalability of these methods and the credibility of collected data. However, the rise of experimental approaches marks a broader shift, DeMartino says: “Among younger economists there is a move toward empiricism. Rather than deducing policy implications from a blackboard using supply and demand models, there’s a turn to data.”

A precarious future
As a child of the Enlightenment era, economics is characterised by an inherent belief in constant progress, including its own ability to perpetually enhance our understanding of the material world. Such optimism may no longer be topical in an increasingly irrational world where technological progress reigns supreme. The rise of generative AI, threatening to wipe out whole professions, poses new challenges. Economists often appear on top of the list of white-collar professionals expected to be affected by automation. Ironically, the profession’s reliance on advanced mathematics, the tool that gave it the pole position among social sciences, also makes it vulnerable to technological innovation. Tasks such as forecasting and modelling can be easily performed by bots, given the large amount of literature that can be fed to AI tools such as ChatGPT. “Fewer economists will be able to generate much more output by using AI,” DeMartino forecasts.

For the time being, economists still dominate policymaking, even expanding into areas where they had little sway until recently, such as climate policy. One example is the way the UN Sustainable Development Goals are being pursued through policies largely shaped by economists, according to Christensen. However, many think that a challenge of that scale requires more emphasis on urgent action, rather than bean counting. “Until economics recognises its limits in terms of predicting the future, we economists shouldn’t have too much influence in these areas,” says DeMartino, adding: “Economics has aspired to be the physics of the social world for over 100 years. That pretension has to be dropped.”

Leader for change

Even at a time of unprecedented globalisation, uniting 187 countries behind a single vision is a tough ask. Yet that is exactly what the World Bank, under its new president Ajay Banga, is attempting to do. Recent years have shown that developing countries around the world face an increase in barriers to development, with the climate crisis, recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, and an ongoing war in Europe all having far-reaching impacts.

Questions have swirled about the purpose and significance of the World Bank, which operates with the aim of eradicating poverty. However, as Banga wrote in an opinion piece for Project Syndicate soon after his appointment, “While questioning its relevance, the world is looking to the 78-year-old institution to deliver solutions at scale. To do that, the bank must adopt a new vision and mission that is worthy of our shared aspirations. In my view, the vision for the World Bank is simple: to create a world free of poverty on a liveable planet.”

While many would agree with Banga in principle, the price tag for delivering this expanded mission statement will be hefty. International development experts have said transitioning to clean energy would require financing in the trillions of dollars, not only requiring a larger World Bank but also a significant chunk of funding from the private sector.

Having been in his role heading up the World Bank for less than a year, it is still difficult to determine whether Banga can carry out the reforms needed. Many are positive, however, about his prospects. “Ajay Banga has made a terrific start as World Bank President, energising an institution which has drifted in recent years,” Vasuki Shastry, a journalist who has held senior roles at the International Monetary Fund, Standard Chartered Bank and elsewhere, told World Finance.

Yet he pointed to the urgency with which Banga will need to address the question marks surrounding the bank. “Building on the goodwill his appointment has generated, Banga needs to quickly address fundamental questions about the bank’s business model. Is it the world’s climate or the world’s development bank?” Banga believes it can be both, but to make that a reality he must convince others.

A global view
World Bank reform is at the top of the international agenda, Clemence Landers, senior policy fellow at the Centre for Global Development, told World Finance. “But the spotlight on the bank may prove to be somewhat of a poisoned chalice for Ajay Banga. Indeed, there are great – in some quarters, astronomical – expectations for what World Bank reform can deliver,” she said. At a time of such upheaval and high expectation, not everyone would be confident enough to dive in, but a look back on Banga’s career trajectory shows the development of a leader who would become a perfect fit for the World Bank.

Banga, who was born in Pune, in the Indian state of Maharashtra, in 1959, is now recognised as one of the world’s top business executives, and he began his education at Hyderabad Public School and the St Edward’s School in Shimla. He then gained a bachelor’s degree in economics from St Stephen’s college in New Delhi and an MBA from Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad (IIM-A), which is one of the country’s top business schools. Although in a speech for the 50th annual convocation of the IIM-A he admitted that he “had no clue” what he was going to do with his life, he had an instinct that would prove to shape his entire career: join a firm with global reach.

“That was my grand plan: get with somebody good. Get with somebody global. Do something that interested me,” he said in his speech. Banga’s drive to join a large organisation led him to Nestlé, where he began his career as a management trainee in 1981. He steadily worked his way up over 13 years before moving over to PepsiCo, where he helped to steer the launch of fast food franchises Pizza Hut and KFC in India. In 1996, Banga made a shift to the financial services industry, joining Citigroup and quickly rising through the ranks to become the business head of CitiFinancial. In 2008, he was named head of the Asia-Pacific region. By this point in his career, he had lived and worked in the US for several years, and he obtained US citizenship in 2007.

Following his long career at Citigroup, Banga was poached by Mastercard in 2009, joining as president and chief operating officer. In less than a year, he was handed the reins as CEO, and he served there for a decade. In his role at Mastercard, Banga oversaw significant growth, including a tripling of revenue and a 16-times growth in its market capitalisation. Over his tenure, he transformed the business from a payments network focused on serving banks to a technology and data services company that connected people, governments and businesses of all kinds. Throughout his time at Mastercard, Banga’s public profile grew, and he was presented with a number of lofty positions, including heading the US-India Business Council in 2012 and being appointed by former president Barack Obama as a member of the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations in 2015. In 2021, two years before his appointment at the World Bank, he left Mastercard for global growth equity firm General Atlantic, where he was vice chairman, advising on strategic matters for the firm’s portfolio of more than 165 companies around the world.

Banga believes that to be a successful leader, one must develop a global focus, telling students at IIM-A, “The key is to go beyond looking at the world through the lens of your company or your organisation or even your country.” Taking up the top position at the World Bank, an organisation that provides billions to developing nations every year, seems a natural next step for Banga, and the Bank’s mission to eliminate poverty ties in well with his personal philosophy of doing well and doing good. As he said in his convocation speech, “Both the private and the public sector have a role to play in the following: bring[ing] more people into the financial mainstream – at a time when half the world’s adults don’t have a bank account, guard against a future where we have the Internet of Everything, but not the Inclusion of Everyone, give women [the] same opportunities as men.”

One and all
Inclusivity has been a key message throughout Banga’s career, and with his appointment at the World Bank, he not only brings a drive to improve financial inclusivity around the world, but also a viewpoint shaped by different experiences than the vast majority of the institution’s previous leaders. In addition to Banga’s strong credentials, he holds an American passport, which is an informal prerequisite for the president of the World Bank. But equally importantly, his upbringing took place outside the US.

Since the founding of the international financial institution in 1944, the US, as the largest shareholder, has nominated and chosen its leader. On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has always been chosen by western European nations. Previous heads of the World Bank include bankers and economists who were all, notably, American, while leaders of the IMF have historically always been European. These conventions have been called into question in recent years, with Mark Sobel, chair of the US Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, saying in 2019 that it was time for a non-American to lead the World Bank.

Leadership attributes are tremendously facilitated if you surround yourself with people who don’t look like you, don’t walk like you, don’t talk like you, and don’t have the same experiences as you

“The changing global economic landscape makes the convention outdated,” he wrote. A non-American president would entrench the World Bank as a global institution, he argued. “In the past, the international financial institutions were closely associated with hegemonic US priorities. Yet this is far less the case today. Choosing a president who is neither American nor European would enhance the global standing of the fund and bank. That would helpfully counter the drift toward regionalism, when opaque Chinese official lending is challenging the scale of, and standards for, multilateral finance – undermining debt sustainability in many countries.”

With the nomination of Banga, US president Joe Biden stuck to the letter of the informal agreement while also seemingly attempting to address the voices clamouring for a break from convention. In fact, as well as praising his three decades building and managing successful, global companies, Biden noted that Banga’s background made him uniquely qualified for the job. “Raised in India, Ajay has a unique perspective on the opportunities and challenges facing developing countries and how the World Bank can deliver on its ambitious agenda to reduce poverty and expand prosperity,” Biden said.

Banga himself has spoken of the benefits of fostering inclusivity. “Leadership attributes are tremendously facilitated if you surround yourself with people who don’t look like you, don’t walk like you, don’t talk like you, and don’t have the same experiences as you,” Banga said to students at IIM-A. He went on to explain that a lack of diversity results in homogenous thinking. “Diversity is essential because a group of similar people tends to think in similar ways, reach similar conclusions, and have similar blind spots. To guard against that, you need to harness the collective uniqueness of those around you to widen your field of vision – to see things differently, to fail harder, to innovate, and to question everything,” he said. “Widening that field of vision means widening your worldview.”

A new playbook
Banga’s inclusive perspective is more than just talk. Soon after his appointment in June 2023, he announced he would be embarking on a months-long global tour as part of his aim to write a new playbook for the World Bank. By visiting multiple countries in every region where the bank operates, he was tasked with getting to know the areas in which the bank operates on a deeper level, rethinking the bank’s strategic partnerships and identifying opportunities to boost private sector investment.

Development, the bank has acknowledged, has become more difficult in the face of several intertwined challenges: poverty, climate, pandemics, conflict and fragility. These forces have “eroded a decade of progress in a matter of months,” the institution said in a press release. During his global tour, Banga said countries around the world are experiencing these challenges differently. “The World Bank Group must reach out to all of them and we need a new playbook to do it.”

Banga has asked staff to help him write the bank’s new playbook by thinking creatively, taking informed risks and forging new partnerships. Risks are nothing new for Banga; he has built his career taking what he calls “thoughtful risks.” Being willing to make a decision when you don’t have all the information, he said at IIM-A’s convocation, is what it means to take a thoughtful risk. “The thoughtful part depends also on your humility and realising that you don’t have all the answers – that you can learn something from everybody,” he said. Yet in many cases for Banga, the topics and issues that are at the top of his agenda as president of the World Bank are familiar, having been key priorities for him throughout his career. Homi Kharas, a senior fellow with the Centre for Sustainable Development at Brookings, the non-profit research group, pointed out in the group’s podcast, The Current, that Banga in 2014 launched Mastercard’s Centre for Inclusive Growth, which advances equitable and sustainable economic growth and financial inclusion around the world, “well before many of these things became fashionable in development circles. So the chances are that these are things he truly believes in,” Kharas said.

The climate question
A key focus of Banga’s efforts is to update the World Bank’s mission statement to focus on eliminating poverty ‘on a liveable planet.’ Banga explained on his tour, “What I mean by liveable is climate, but also pandemics, and also fragility and food insecurity. How do you eliminate poverty if you can’t breathe, you don’t have clean water, you’re scared of Covid and you’re a refugee, and you can’t eat? I don’t understand how these are either-or. To me, they’re together.”

Banga’s view on climate change makes a stark change from David Malpass, the previous head of the World Bank who was appointed by former president Donald Trump. Malpass had been criticised for his approach to climate change, with Al Gore, a previous US vice president, calling him a climate denier after he wouldn’t say whether he thought fossil fuels were driving climate change. Malpass announced his retirement about a year before his term was due to end to “pursue new challenges” – but this conveniently coincided with US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen’s push to reform multilateral development banks like the World Bank. Following his nomination of Banga, Biden credited his “critical experience mobilising public-private resources to tackle the most urgent challenges of our time, including climate change.” Banga had been an advisor to General Atlantic’s climate-focused fund, BeyondNetZero, when it was created in 2021.

Kharas agreed that Banga’s plan to tackle climate change is a common-sense one. “We have to think about development, economic development, with an understanding that this is now economic development in the context of climate change. And if you don’t integrate your activities on climate, in particular on adaptation and resilience with your activities on development, you’ll get neither the one nor the other. You’ll fail on both. So it’s very much of an integrated agenda.”

Indeed, with many of the nations that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate breakdown already living in extreme poverty, increasingly common disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes and floods will impact on their infrastructure and ecosystems, likely pushing them further into debt. Expanding the scope of the bank’s mandate will require additional funding – the World Bank simply can’t do it all on its own. What will the bank do to boost its resources, and how will Banga persuade stakeholders of the need for a far larger World Bank?

Forging partnerships
In 2022, Yellen announced efforts to reform the bank, after an independent report for the Group of 20 economies (G20) found that development banks could free up hundreds of billions of dollars by adjusting their balance sheets and taking on more risk. The bank’s steering committee has endorsed an ambitious set of reforms including balance sheet changes that will boost the bank’s lending by $50bn over 10 years while crucially maintaining its AAA credit rating.

It is no surprise then that Banga and Yellen have agreed that the bank must work to harness more private capital. A recently formed ‘private sector investment lab’ for the World Bank held its inaugural meeting in September at the UN general assembly. Forging these partnerships is critical to Banga’s success. “One of Banga’s signature achievements may well be in bringing the private sector to play a more prominent role in development and climate finance,” Shastry told World Finance. The first-of-its-kind committee of CEOs are brainstorming solutions, and many industry commentators are optimistic about the partnerships that can be developed.

However, while many would like to see the World Bank “make a quantum leap forward in terms of the volumes of finances it provides poor and middle-income countries,” Landers told World Finance, there are “a lot of somewhat unrealistic expectations out there around how much the bank can grow its balance sheet through financial innovations, and shareholders’ willingness to put in big amounts of fresh new capital.” What’s more, in addition to finding partners for funding, Banga must also work closely with individual countries to understand the impact of integrating climate and development work, including managing the transition in countries whose economies rely heavily on fossil fuels like coal. “Many developing countries are dependent on fossil fuels for their public finances,” Kharas said. “In fact, if you look at the continent of Africa, a lot of the tax revenue in Africa comes from energy sources, whether it’s oil or gas or coal or other kinds of natural resources, they need to manage a transition, which is not going to be easy. And that’s where I think having a partner like the World Bank can be very helpful.”

Challenges ahead
While Banga is laser-focused on boosting the bank’s function to deal with climate change, “he will face considerable headwinds as the US-China strategic competition will conflict with his expansive agenda,” Shastry said. Another reason western nations are backing a larger role for the World Bank is to give developing countries more funding options to reduce their dependence on China. “It is essential that we offer a credible alternative to the People’s Republic of China’s coercive and unsustainable lending and infrastructure projects for developing countries around the world,” the White House said in August.

Banga’s career trajectory shows the development of a leader who would become a perfect fit for the World Bank

Yellen echoed this sentiment in a speech to a US House of Representatives committee, where she said World Bank loans “serve as an important counterweight to non-transparent, unsustainable lending from others, like China.” Despite this, Banga has said he “doesn’t view China as a rival” in providing funds to developing countries. “You need everybody at the wheel,” he said in an interview for Bloomberg.

Banga’s optimism for the task at hand is evident, but Landers warns that transforming the World Bank will not be a simple task by any means – and if “the stars don’t align” his work will be nearly impossible to accomplish. “He faces two equally daunting challenges,” Landers said. “First, the bank is a notoriously hard tanker of an organisation to steer in a radically new direction. Second, he will need to forge a consensus vision amongst a group of countries who are increasingly far apart in the context of today’s fragmented geopolitics. The first task requires a seasoned manager. The second task, a shrewd diplomat. It’s an uphill but not impossible feat to pull off.”

The universal space race

In 2001, entrepreneur Dennis Tito became the world’s first space tourist; flying in a Russian Soyuz spacecraft, he docked at the International Space Station (ISS) and spent seven days in orbit. Roll on 22 years, and Tito has been joined by a growing list of space tourists keen to cast off the shackles and delve beyond the boundaries of earth. In May, a group of four private, paying astronauts docked at the ISS on a mission with Axiom Space, while in August, Virgin Galactic finally sent its first paying customers to the edge of space on a 90-minute mission. SpaceX is setting its sights even further with its Starship rocket, due to fly around the moon with a handful of guests on board in the coming years.

Private sector boom
These recent endeavours mark the latest in a string of space-related activity – and it’s no longer limited to state programmes. “What we’re seeing right now is a kind of a boom in the market that we haven’t seen in the past 30 or 40 years,” Marco Caceres, Space Analyst at Teal Group, told World Finance. “You now have rockets launching three or four or five times a month, whereas in the past, it was more like five or six times a year,” he says.

“What’s different now is that commercial companies are starting to take the lead. NASA is still there as a dominant player in the market, but you’ve got thousands of new companies building small rockets and satellites.”
NASA is now contracting private firms for much of its work; SpaceX and Blue Origin are currently developing landing systems for its upcoming Artemis missions, for example, which – if all goes to plan – will see humans land on the moon for the first time in more than five decades next year.

NASA is now contracting private firms for much of its work

That’s bringing a slew of new business and investment opportunities, and not just in space tourism; satellite communications, spacecraft manufacturing, spacecraft-derived data and in-orbit management are among the key opportunities in a global space economy valued at $469bn in 2021, according to the Space Foundation.

Over $47bn of private capital has been invested in the space sector since 2015 – marking an average growth rate of 21 percent per year – and the industry is predicted to hit a value of $900bn by 2030, according to UBS.

In the UK, space services underpin 18 percent of GDP (or £370bn), according to the UK Space Agency; it’s clear the sector is ripe with opportunity.

Suborbital flights
It’s not just investment opportunities that the private takeover is creating though; it’s also speeding up advancements at an unprecedented rate, bringing us ever-closer to sci-fi dreams of space holidays and life on Mars. UBS has estimated the space tourism market alone will be worth $4bn by 2030 (see Fig 1). “While space tourism is still at a nascent phase, we think that as technology becomes proven, and the cost falls due to technology and competition, space tourism will become more mainstream,” analysts Jarrod Castle and Myles Walton wrote.

Suborbital flights – which fly up to a certain height but don’t reach orbit, then drop back to Earth – are the first step, and Virgin Galactic’s recent take-off looks set to be the start of many more. Virgin Galactic eventually plans to run more than 400 flights a year, and it’s not without demand, with 800 tickets already reportedly sold.

Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin has run 22 successful missions since its inaugural flight in 2021, sending a total of 31 customers into space so far. Other companies such as Space Perspective and World View are planning, if approved, to enter the sector by offering suborbital balloon flights.

Commercial viability
Craig Curran, President of the US-based DePrez Group of Travel Companies, sells Virgin Galactic flights as a space travel agent and says demand is strong. “I think this is a very viable marketplace and there’s ample demand for the products that are out there, especially among open-minded, big-thinking clients,” he says. “I’ve seen a lot of growth in the area as a lot more products have come online.”

But some are a little more sceptical as to how far the potential for suborbital can really go. “Companies like this are essentially selling a service that focuses on getting people into sub-orbit for a few minutes of microgravity time, so you can only create so much excitement within the public,” says Caceres. “Virgin Galactic has been trying to develop this market for the last decade, and they’ve had a few setbacks – it’s not moving particularly fast. I think if you’re just providing a few minutes of microgravity time, that’s going to get old.”

Virgin Galactic currently has around $980m in cash, according to its second quarter financial report, but that would run out within two years at the current burn rate, according to journalist Jonathan Miller. “Even if Virgin Galactic can maintain the tempo of flying into space every four to six weeks or so, it will lose a fortune,” he wrote in an article for The Spectator. “Since a chunk of the spacecraft’s engine must be replaced after every flight, these missions are operating at a loss.”

Each flight carries only three paying passengers, meaning there’s a limit to how much can be pocketed. How these companies fare will depend on whether costs can be brought down, and how safe they’re deemed to be; only time will tell how long their shelf life lasts.

Holidays on the space station
The bigger, longer-term opportunities might just be in orbital tourism – that is, crossing the Kármán line, or the edge of space, and going into orbit. This requires significantly faster speeds than orbital (17,400 mph, compared to around 3,700 mph for suborbital), bringing with it huge expenses and risks; but it’s already been done a handful of times.

Since Dennis Tito’s voyage in 2001, Space Adventures has sent seven clients on successful missions to the ISS. NASA opened up the space station to private missions in 2019, and SpaceX jumped at the chance. Last year, the company worked with Axiom Space to send three tourists to the station on its Crew Dragon capsule, marking the first time multiple tourists had gone together. Axiom sent a further four paying customers to the ISS earlier this year.

But it’s not just visits to the ISS opening up opportunities; NASA plans to decommission the existing station in 2030, replacing it with private, commercial space stations that could be used by both the government and paying customers. In 2021, the agency awarded a total of $415.6m in contracts with three private companies – Blue Origin, Nanoracks and Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation of Dulles – to develop these stations.

“With commercial companies now providing transportation to low-Earth orbit in place, we are partnering with US companies to develop the space destinations where people can visit, live, and work,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson in a statement. “This will enable NASA to continue forging a path in space for the benefit of humanity while fostering commercial activity in space.”

It’s not just space stations being developed; Above: Space Development Corporation (formerly Orbital Assembly) is going one step further with plans for two space hotels that would offer tourist activities including stargazing, ‘low-gravity trampolining’ and ‘low-gravity basketball’. Its first, Pioneer Station, is ambitiously scheduled for 2025; the second, Voyager Station, for 2027 (with capacity for 400 guests). Whether and when these concepts become reality is firmly up in the air.

A more realistic goal in the coming years is likely Axiom’s commercial space station, being developed for use by 2030 as an extension to the existing ISS under a NASA agreement signed in 2020. The module would offer research, manufacturing and tourism among its activities, and later be used as a core of its own, independent station.

Carceres believes this is where the real opportunities lie. “I think when you have private space stations that are run primarily for commercial purposes, that’s when you’re going to see that potential boom in space tourism,” he says. “I think the key is for these companies to not only get you into orbit, but to actually get you somewhere you can stay for a while.” How long these might take to be built remains to be seen; it took NASA and its partners more than 10 years to assemble the ISS, while China’s Tiangong station, completed in 2022, was developed in less than two years. Private backing might just accelerate the process.

Costly business
Of course, not all of this is likely to be plain sailing (or soaring), with immense barriers to overcome before space tourism could even start to edge its way into the mainstream. Among the biggest by far is cost; SpaceX’s voyages to the ISS in partnership with Axiom come with an estimated price tag of $55m. Add in specialised training, health checks and other costs, and the total likely racks up to significantly more. Compared to that, Virgin Galactic’s suborbital flights sound like something of a bargain at $450,000 per seat (Blue Origin’s remain a mystery, and vary depending on the customer). It’s still hardly affordable to the everyday consumer, though.

Developments in technology are crucial to lowering the costs, and efforts are underway. Researchers are looking into advanced propulsion systems to generate more power with less fuel, for example, while 3D printing can help lower manufacturing costs. California-based start-up Relativity Space launched the world’s first fully 3D printed rocket into orbit in March, marking a major milestone – it plans to use the rocket, Terran–1, to launch satellites into orbit for other private companies as well as NASA.

Reusable rockets are also key to bringing down the price point. SpaceX made history when it made its Falcon–9 partially reusable, with its most expensive parts able to be recovered. This October, Spanish start-up PLD Space launched its own recoverable Miura–1 rocket, marking Europe’s first fully private rocket launch. Blue Origin is also developing a reusable orbital rocket, New Glenn, while SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy – a partially reusable, heavy-lift launch vehicle – has reduced costs by 65 percent, according to a study by the University of California, Reusable Rockets and the Environment.

But so far, only a small handful of companies have succeeded in actually producing these. With minimal competition, the likes of SpaceX and Blue Origin can set their prices without fear of being undercut. Luigi Scatteia, Global Space Practice Leader Partner at PwC, believes a higher volume of flights is needed to really bring the prices down.

“Costs can only go down with routine operations and high cadence,” he told World Finance. “For that, you need higher confidence in the systems and a stronger and clearer regulatory framework.”

Safety issues
That increased confidence relies on one of the other biggest barriers being addressed – safety. For many, the prospect of shooting off into space at speeds of over 17,000mph is likely to bring more risk than reward. Several accidents haven’t helped; in 1986, NASA Challenger exploded shortly after lift-off, killing all seven crew members, including high school teacher Christa McAuliffe – the first in a string of civilians due to fly with NASA as part of a special programme. For years, it put an end to civilians flying to space with the agency.

In 2014, Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo (VSS Enterprise) suffered a catastrophic crash, resulting in the death of one of its pilots. SpaceX’s Falcon–9 meanwhile exploded on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida in 2016, destroying the satellite it was carrying. Artificial intelligence could help reduce the risk of human error – SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft uses an automated docking system that doesn’t require human intervention, for example. But radiation exposure and other health concerns also need to be addressed if space tourism is to move more firmly into the mainstream; how and at what cost remains to be seen.

“If you go months and months or years with dozens of people going into sub-orbit and eventually into orbit and there’s no major accidents, then the industry will slowly grow,” says Carceres. “But if you start to see a series of catastrophic accidents, I think that will of course slow things down.”

It’s not just safety concerns that need to be overcome, of course; the environmental challenges are significant, with rockets releasing carbon emissions alongside large quantities of soot and alumina particles. The effect of those emissions is also different when released in other parts of the atmosphere, according to Eloise Marais, Associate Professor in Physical Geography at University College London. “When we compare the amount emitted from rocket launches to aircraft, it doesn’t sound like a lot,” she said in a recent article. “But this comparison was always erroneous. When pollution is released into the upper layers, it lasts for a longer time than earthbound sources.”

Marais and a group of other researchers studied the impact of space tourism promoted by the likes of Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic using a 3D model; they found black carbon emissions would more than double after three more years of space tourism launches. They also found that particles given off by rockets hold heat in the atmosphere 500 times more than soot from any other source – which could speed up climate warming and impact the recovery of the ozone layer.

Electric propulsion systems that use less fuel are under development to help address the issues, alongside research into various fuel alternatives (current fuel types RP–1 and UDMH – the latter dubbed ‘Devil’s venom’ – are notoriously pollutive). SpaceX’s Raptor rocket engine, the European Space Agency’s Prometheus engine and Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket are all designed to use liquid methane, which performs better than other fuels and comes at a lower price point – but methane is known as being one of the worst gases for global warming. Other firms are researching different solutions; UK-based orbital launch company Orbex uses renewable biofuel bio-propane to fuel its rocket, for example, resulting in 96 percent fewer emissions than fossil fuelled alternatives, according to research by the University of Exeter. These are promising signs, but there’s still a way to go.

Debris in space
Alongside carbon emissions, there are other concerns. De-orbited satellites are already causing a mass of debris in space – and that will only grow when more are released (up to 100,000 new satellites could be operational by 2030, according to the UK Space Agency – compared to just 11,000 in the past 60 years).

“There’s a lot of trash just floating around in space, and the question is what the environmental impact of all these unused, discarded satellites will be,” says Carceres. “One of the concerns by astronomers is also that we’re not going to be able to have clear views of the stars because of all these satellites,” he adds. “In five or 10 years, you may have a hard time seeing the constellations out there because you see all of this hardware in orbit. I think we don’t fully understand the potential climate and environmental impacts of a robust space industry, but we’ll have to take that as it comes. Unfortunately, we don’t enter these new industries factoring in all the potential downsides,” Carceres continues.

Regulatory review
Despite these concerns, governments look set to press ahead, capitalising on the vast, still largely untapped, economic opportunities the space industry is likely to bring. That brings with it a need for increased regulation – much of which is still nascent. In the US, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is responsible for approving commercial rocket launch operations and has basic regulations around training private astronauts. But it’s all relatively light – and there’s very little regulation around the environmental impact of rockets and debris.

A lack of global framework is also problematic. “While there are a few national regulations in place, there is no single global standard for the industry,” wrote Marcin Frackiewicz, Founder of satellite internet provider TS2 Space, in an article. “This makes it difficult to ensure that all space tourists are adequately protected, as different countries may have different safety requirements.”

Colonising the Moon and Mars
These issues might just become more prevalent if the biggest ambitions of SpaceX and NASA are realised: colonising other celestial bodies. When SpaceX first broached the concept of colonising Mars back in 2001, few took the idea seriously. 22 years and a whole fleet of seemingly impossible achievements later, and it’s no longer being quite so raucously laughed at. NASA is investing in lunar exploration with its upcoming Artemis programme, with the aim of exploring opportunities for potential colonisation. “America will lead the monumental shift that frees humanity from our innate bonds to Earth,” says the agency in its Artemis programme overview. “This is the decade in which the Artemis Generation will teach us how to live on other worlds.” Using its Orion spacecraft, NASA plans to shuttle astronauts to the Artemis Base Camp, where they’ll be able to live and work.

“We will collaborate with commercial and international partners and establish the first long-term presence on the Moon,” reads NASA’s website. “Then, we will use what we learn on and around the Moon to take the next giant leap: sending the first astronauts to Mars.”

NASA’s Perseverance rover has already been conducting experiments on Mars since February 2021, searching for signs of past life and preparing the planet for future exploration. China is also playing its part in the space race (see Fig 2), with plans to send astronauts to the Moon by 2030 and build an International Lunar Research Station. SpaceX is meanwhile planning a second test flight for its Starship spacecraft – the biggest and most powerful rocket ever built, designed to carry humans to ‘the Moon, Mars and beyond’ – with several improvements made following its first (unsuccessful) test in April.

Universal ambitions
Many experts believe these ambitions are achievable, if the determination is there. “I believe that humans could colonise the moon and then Mars, if enough effort is put into such endeavours,” says PwC’s Scatteia. “Of course, the roadmap to that requires developments in space resources extraction and utilisation, and in-space manufacturing.”

But it’s unlikely to be an easy journey. Given the already significant challenges to overcome for even orbital flights to take off into the mainstream, it’s not hard to imagine the obstacles that would need to be addressed before humans could move to the moon. Politics is one; an international space race is likely to have countries clamouring to claim another celestial body as their own.

Developments in technology are crucial to lowering the costs

“You would hope that there would be some sort of international agreement that would say Mars is not going to be claimed by any one country,” says Carceres. “Because inevitably, politics does get in the way.” A bigger issue still is safety. “These rockets carrying colonists that Elon Musk first envisioned are going to carry hundreds of people, and inevitably some of them are going to explode – and then you’re going to have some major setbacks,” he says.

“But if the human will is there, eventually it will happen – I think it’s very likely that you could see the first human landing on Mars in a decade, especially with the vision of a private company like SpaceX.”

Only time will tell if we’ll make it. But with both private and public players now collaborating on a global scale and space developments advancing at a rapid rate, we’re inching closer than we ever have before. That brings with it a whole raft of philosophical questions that right now no-one can answer. And the first that needs to be addressed is this: how can we learn from our mistakes on Earth and ensure we don’t wreak havoc on the wider universe where the potential for damage is, quite literally, infinite?

Health is wealth

Death is the ultimate inevitability – it is one of life’s only certainties. For all of our advances in medicine and technology, it remains the one human malady that can’t be cured. But not according to a growing number of extreme longevity pioneers. For them, escaping death isn’t just a science fiction fantasy, but something they believe may be possible for humans of the future.

Tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson is the poster boy for this emerging group of immortality obsessives. While he may not be a household name compared with fellow billionaires Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, Johnson has garnered much media buzz over the past year. Dubbed ‘the man that’s ageing backwards,’ he has been eager to share his $2m-per-year extreme anti-ageing regime with his followers on social media.

As routinely shown in videos uploaded to his YouTube channel, from the very moment he wakes up each day, every minute of Johnson’s life is engineered towards achieving one specific goal: reversing the ageing process. A team of over 30 doctors and health experts are on hand to monitor his every move, using real-time data to implement a strict and uncompromising health regime.

If Johnson’s data-driven algorithm tells him to take over 100 pills a day and wake up each morning at 4.30am, then that’s exactly what he does. He has even experimented with injecting himself with his teenage son’s plasma in an effort to further reduce his ‘biological’ age. The routine is certainly not for the faint-hearted – but Johnson is far from timid when it comes to his approach. In fact, he embraces his position as a human guinea pig, claiming that his work on longevity will usher in “the most significant revolution in human history.”

While Johnson is an extreme case, he is certainly not alone in his quest for a longer, healthier life. Biohacking may seem like a niche hobby for the ultra-rich, but many of its core principles and practices are slowly trickling into the mainstream. According to McKinsey, the global wellness market is now worth more than $1.5trn, and continues to grow.

In a post-Covid world, we are spending more on health and wellbeing than ever before, with wearable fitness trackers, vitamin capsules and supplement shakes now a part of daily life for many. With millions of people around the world embracing daily monitoring of their health and fitness progress, Bryan Johnson’s world of biohacking and rejuvenation doesn’t seem like the fringe idea it once may have been. But how far will the average citizen go in their quest for wellness – and at what cost?

Memento mori
What happens in Silicon Valley rarely stays in Silicon Valley. The North California technology hotspot has birthed some of the most innovative and ubiquitous products of the past three decades, changing the very nature of our world in the process. Ideas that originate in Silicon Valley soon ripple across the globe, attracting the attention of tech enthusiasts before entering the mainstream. And the next obsession du jour is extreme anti-ageing.

In 2022, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos reportedly invested in Altos Labs, a new biotech company focused on reversing the human ageing process through ‘cellular rejuvenation programming.’ PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel has donated over $3m to the Methuselah foundation, a biomedical charity that seeks to extend the healthy human lifespan and ‘make 90 the new 50 by 2030.’

Both men were early investors in Unity Biotechnology, a firm that seeks to ‘slow, halt or reverse diseases of ageing.’ And while Bezos and Thiel may be among the firms’ best-known backers, they certainly aren’t the only ones throwing money at these radical new fields of study. Altos Labs has succeeded in raising $3bn in funding for its work, which will be carried out in two labs in the US and one in the UK by an all-star team of scientists – with a number of Nobel laureates among the ranks.

Longevity, it seems, is the next frontier for Silicon Valley. According to Thiel, scientific breakthroughs in anti-ageing research will allow us to eliminate age-related disease “in the same way that we can fix the bugs of a computer system.” And death, he says, will be “reduced from a mystery to a solvable problem.”

With billions being poured into new biotech firms, investors are betting big on life-extending innovations. But despite Silicon Valley’s enthusiasm for ‘solving’ ageing, these companies are only at the very beginning of their research, with any significant breakthroughs likely to be many years away. In the meantime, though, the tech world’s longevity enthusiasts are focusing on what they can control – achieving ‘perfect’ health in the here and now.

And they don’t want to keep their wellbeing secrets to themselves. They are committed to bringing them to the masses – but it won’t come cheap.

Wellness at a cost
From Bryan Johnson’s $37-a-bottle ‘longevity’ olive oil to Freshology’s $130-per-week premium food delivery service, it appears that health now comes with a hefty price tag. And while it is certainly true that there is no need to part with such eye-watering sums of money to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, data shows that consumers are increasingly prioritising spending on wellbeing.

‘Wellness’ is a vague and fluid term, and has come to encapsulate everything from fitness and nutrition to mental health and spiritual balance. In recent years, consumers have been taking a more holistic approach to their health and fitness goals, embracing the concept of ‘wellness’ with open arms. According to a 2022 study carried out by McKinsey, 50 percent of US consumers now consider wellness to be a ‘top priority’ in their day-to-day lives. The firm predicts that the wellness market will continue to grow by up to 10 percent each year over the next decade, as wearable technology, nutrition apps and on-demand fitness services increasingly become fixtures of our everyday.

Incredibly, this wellness boom could see the market reach a $7trn valuation by 2025. In a post-Covid world, consumers have increasingly looked to take their health into their own hands, with a surge of interest in personalised, data-driven trackers and devices. For many, the pandemic served as a stark and unwelcome reminder of the importance of good health – both individually and collectively. Many of the wellness trends ushered in by repeated lockdowns have lingered long after the world’s great return to ‘normal,’ with remote fitness classes and mindfulness apps still proving popular with consumers in a post-Covid climate (see Fig 1).

The most significant trend that the pandemic accelerated, of course, is digitalisation. Almost overnight, most facets of our lives moved online, prompting a digital transformation of society that might have otherwise taken years to materialise. The wellness industry, too, was pushed to adapt to a digital era – something it managed with aplomb.

Customers are increasingly comfortable with trading their privacy for personal reward

In 2020, a record 527 million wearable fitness devices were sold, up from 384 million the year before. With gyms closed and group exercise classes no longer an option, housebound consumers turned to devices and services that could keep them focused on their goals while lockdown measures remained in place.

Wellness brands rushed to expand their online offerings, with health and fitness apps generating just shy of 2.5 billion downloads in 2012. The meal kit market also saw a sustained surge in demand, with provider Gousto seeing its sales rise by 129 percent over the course of 2020, allowing it to achieve coveted ‘unicorn’ status. Rival provider HelloFresh also saw impressive revenue growth of 122 percent in the second quarter of 2020, while the vitamins and supplements market also noted a significant jump in sales. Consumer spending might have slumped in most areas during the pandemic, but the wellness space boomed. With no signs of the wellness trend cooling down post-pandemic, the door has been opened to a new wave of health-related products and services for spend-happy customers.

Future-proofing wellness
The wellness market is growing ever more crowded. New companies continue to spring up with remarkable regularity, each offering an innovative solution to whatever may be ailing you – whether that be a lack of sleep, low energy or an insufficiently challenging workout plan. Despite the variety of wellness products and services flooding the market, consumers are still hungry for more. Last year, McKinsey found that a third of survey respondents expressed a desire for additional products and services in the wellness space, with a significant portion of those surveyed saying that the current offering is simply insufficient to meet their needs.

Millennials and Gen Z appear to be driving this booming trend. Indeed, the younger generations have a seemingly insatiable appetite for all things wellness, desiring products and services at a rate six to seven percentage points higher than those of any other age bracket. This is certainly good news for the thriving wellness market, which has successfully captured the next generation of consumers. Commanding a remarkable $360bn spending power, Gen Z is a lucrative market to unlock. But Gen Z consumers are also a fickle bunch, meaning that wellness companies can’t rely on returning custom and brand loyalty – they need to stay abreast of the latest trends in customer demands if they wish to stay relevant in an increasingly saturated market. And what might wellness innovation look like in the next five years? Well, in the case of millennials and Gen Z, wellness is all about personalisation. For digital natives who have grown up online, data sharing is part of the online experience.

While they are attuned to the risks of privacy violations, they have fewer qualms than previous generations about sharing their personal data – especially if that means they will have a more personalised and streamlined e-shopping experience. According to research carried out by McKinsey, 49 percent of millennials and 37 percent of Gen Z express a strong preference for highly personalised products, services and apps. From nutrition plans tailored to users’ diet preferences, BMI and activity levels, to customisable haircare products formulated to each customer’s hair length and type, brands have been quick to embrace personalisation. Soon, however, customers will start to expect this level of tailored offerings as the norm – meaning that wellness companies will have to get creative with new ways to keep things bespoke.

All industries – the wellness market included – will need to prepare for the oncoming artificial intelligence (AI) wave. But the wellness industry is already largely data-driven, making it a promising candidate for harnessing the benefits of AI. Already, a number of mental health apps are offering AI-powered therapy chatbots as part of their care packages, allowing consumers to access around-the-clock advice and support – albeit in text-only form. Leading mental health chatbot Wysa boasts of a user base of over five million people, and has partnered with the UK’s National Health Service to support patients through the mental health care pathway process, demonstrating the extraordinary reach this technology can have. With human therapists oversubscribed and in scant supply, chatbots may offer some comfort – but there remains some understandable scepticism over allowing a largely unregulated set of algorithms to carve out an expanding role for themselves in the mental healthcare space.

Shifting corporate culture
In the post-Covid world, consumers aren’t just prioritising wellness in their personal lives. Workplace wellbeing has risen up the corporate agenda at businesses large and small in recent years, with many employers offering wellness perks as part of their core benefits package. Free subscriptions to mindfulness apps and discounted offers on gym memberships and fitness classes are just some of the benefits that many workers have come to expect from their employers, but some firms are taking their wellness offer one step further.

In 2019, professional services firm PwC launched a pilot study to identify the benefits of wearable technology in the workplace. A group of UK-based workers were given a device to wear on their wrists, as they would a fitness tracker. Instead of recording exercise targets, however, this device was synced up to their work calendars and was designed to track the physical and mental impact of their working life. By measuring heart-rate-variability, the device showed pilot participants how particular work patterns were creating additional stress – whether that be back-to-back meetings or a lack of time away from the screen. Each participant could access a personalised dashboard with their mobility and body response data, and were able to see in real time how different working habits and practices were impacting them both physically and psychologically.

Their employer, too, had access to this anonymised data, and when the pilot came to an end, PwC began to act on the information it had collected. The data showed that workers needed to be encouraged to take more regular breaks, so the firm sought new ways to incentivise staff to spend some time away from their desks. This included empowering their managerial staff to introduce walking meetings, among other ideas, to encourage more movement throughout the working day.

Some workers might baulk at the idea of sharing their physiological data with their employer. Understandably so – there are certainly some real ethical questions to consider when it comes to this level of monitoring in the workplace. But, perhaps surprisingly, a 2021 poll carried out by PwC showed that more than 44 percent of respondents would be willing to use wearables and other sensors to track their productivity – and for this information to be shared with their employer if that led to benefits and improvements in the way they work.

If anti-ageing scientists do manage to unearth the mythical fountain of youth, it will come at a cost

Since the PwC trial, a number of other firms have launched their own wearable pilots. IHP Analytics, a company specialising in performance science, started its own trial during the first Covid-19 lockdown, with over 2,000 staff members volunteering to be part of the pilot group within four hours of its launch. This willingness to share such personal physiological information with employers perhaps reflects a wider shift in attitudes towards data sharing.

Indeed, if consumers are already sharing their physiological information with fitness firms such as Fitbit, and are content with passing along blood samples to nutrition science companies such as ZOE, then perhaps they are now less reluctant to give out this data elsewhere. In fact, research has shown that when customers feel that there are benefits to be gained from sharing their personal information – whether that be a more personalised service or a more convenient payment process – they are happy to part with their personal data. According to a poll carried out by PwC, 62 percent of respondents would be willing to use a wearable device if that meant they could reduce their health insurance premiums. In our data-driven age, it seems that customers are increasingly comfortable with trading their privacy for personal reward.

Recession-resistant markets
In the words of the IMF, “the global economy is limping along.” Recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic has been long and slow, while the far-reaching consequences of the Russia-Ukraine conflict have prompted cost-of-living crises in many developed economies across the globe. Inflation has soared in much of the world, and economists have warned that both the US and the UK may officially enter recession in the early months of 2024.

Against this decidedly gloomy economic backdrop, it is hardly surprising that consumers are looking to rein in their spending. Spiralling food and energy bills have meant that many people have found their disposable income to be dramatically reduced over the course of the last 18 months, and have cut down on what they deem to be ‘unnecessary’ expenditure. Indeed, a recent survey carried out by the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that two-thirds of adults in the UK were spending less on non-essentials as a result of the rising cost of living.

You could be forgiven for thinking that this prolonged economic slump might spell trouble for the costly wellness industry. But if past recessions have taught us anything, it’s that certain industries have the power to defy downturns. In the early 2000s, Estée Lauder’s Leonard Lauder coined the term ‘the lipstick index,’ to describe how cosmetics sales tend to pick up during times of economic hardship. The concept is now an established economic indicator, with analysts noting how shoppers often turn to modest luxuries during downturns. And the same trend is once more emerging during the current cost-of-living crisis, with consumers looking to treat themselves and stay well even as they cut back on spending elsewhere.

In the UK, gym memberships are up by 3.9 percent compared with 2022, and retailers have noticed an uptick in beauty and cosmetics spending. A survey carried out by McKinsey at the start of the current cost-of-living crisis found that more than a third of customers around the world would ‘probably’ or ‘definitely’ increase their spending on diet programmes, nutrition apps, juice cleanses and food subscription services over the next 12 months. Despite widespread economic pressures on personal finances, it seems that we have never been so content to keep spending on wellness.

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, concepts of wellbeing and self-betterment have become deeply ingrained in our personal and professional lives, with consumers embracing data-driven improvement plans and health ‘solutions’ like never before. It’s clear that there is a real appetite for ever more options in the wellness space – and consumers are crying out for highly-personalised products that monitor and respond to their physiological data.

With Silicon Valley’s brightest minds pushing the boundaries of biohacking, the future of the health and wellness industry might not be so far removed from the experimental pilots currently being pioneered by the world’s most prominent longevity enthusiasts. But one thing is for certain – if anti-ageing scientists do manage to unearth the mythical fountain of youth, it will come at a cost. In a generation of wellness-obsessed consumers, however, there may well be many who are happy to pay that price.

Finding a funding family

Netflix. Apple. Amazon. How many everyday investors have wondered what the next big thing will be, followed by a thought that says ‘if I’d picked one of those stellar companies to invest in back when they were tiny, I’d be sitting on a gold mine.’ Plenty of companies come and go without ever making the headlines, but still, it’s fun to imagine investing in a start-up that later goes global. Crowdfunding was an early fintech trend that aimed to open up some of this investment potential to regular people, not just so-called angel investors, and over the last 10 to 15 years, there have been almost as many crowdfunding platforms as there are products and businesses to fill them (see Fig 1). Peer-to-peer lending also emerged during this period, as a model that doesn’t have stock-market exposure, but which still offers the potential of some returns to investors while giving SMEs access to finance they need to grow, cutting out the idea of needing angel or institutional investment and ideally expediting growth for start-ups.

For those who are interested in investing in start-up businesses but don’t have the clout of angel investors, these platforms might seem to provide an opportunity to invest or loan money in exchange for a market-beating rate of return. For ordinary savers, current interest rates via traditional banks are not difficult to beat, but the risk is still much higher and so whether this is a viable – let alone sensible – investment strategy when compared to, say, broad-based index trackers, may not be as certain. After the massive business disruption from Covid, successive stock market crashes, and a difficult environment for small and medium enterprises, how does crowdfunding or P2P lending and investment look and feel now? To individual customers and investors, and the people looking to put their product or service on a platform, does it stand up to a broader, objective business analysis?

For retail (individual) investors, there are myriad platforms that enable you to pick a company you like the look of and pledge some money towards it. That said, investment diversification is the wise choice in order to protect yourself from putting all your eggs in one basket, so one immediate difficulty with traditional crowdfunding is that unless you are going to diversify across hundreds of investments with small amounts, you likely won’t see a return. With small companies or kickstarters, people tend to invest because they might like the idea of the business, but realistically the likelihood of any such company becoming the next big thing is slim. Consider venture capital firms that invest in early stage businesses but do so through a fund – in this way they make hundreds of investments to spread the risk, and hope that one of them will pay off the entirety of the fund.

Sowing the seeds of potential
The good news is that it is still possible to invest money in a range of start-ups in exchange for equity, through a diversified fund. The platform Seedrs was launched in 2012 and at the time was the only crowdfunding platform to be authorised by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority. In 2017 it had its own unicorn success story with the digital challenger bank Revolut raising £4m via Seedrs.

Lending platforms emerged several years ago to connect small businesses to small lenders with the aim of growth for both. The platforms are part of the burgeoning fintech industry, providing the technology, the platforms, the connections, and the marketing to enable their lending model.

The 36H group was founded from the first five such platforms to be approved by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority, meaning they are themselves regulated and one of their aims was in turn to campaign for more regulation in the emerging sector. Coming together they became a voice for the fledgling industry and engaged directly with government around regulation and strengthened the voice of the industry within the fintech and financial sectors themselves.

During the pandemic, the UK government rushed to create a financial support structure for businesses that were impacted by successive lockdowns at home and abroad. The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme, and later bounce back loans, were created to address this need. The 36H group argued on behalf of its industry that fintech lenders were approved more slowly than the traditional bigger banks in being granted the ability to facilitate these supports, but eventually approval was given.

With P2P lending known to some as the wild west of the financial industry, regulation was no doubt needed, but tighter legislation, combined with the global shake-up to business and industries provided by the pandemic, means not many of the original 36H group are still standing in quite the same way.

Funding Circle
One of the ‘Big Three’ lending platforms, Funding Circle was founded in 2010 and offered retail investment for the following 10 years, but stopped in 2023 after already having enacted a two-year pause on this service during the pandemic. The platform underwent a process to return investors’ money as their loans matured but the reality of this didn’t go down well with all investors, who were made to wait for their money to be paid back piecemeal before it could be transferred to another platform and thus protect its ISA status.

Press releases from the time advised that Funding Circle was focused on government-backed schemes during the pandemic, and indeed they were the first such platform to access and be involved with the government’s various bounce back loans and small business supports from that time. Eventually the decision was made not to return to using retail investors to fund their business clients at all, and the P2P arm of the businesses was permanently closed.

Another of the Big Three P2P lending platforms was RateSetter, which ran almost exclusively on its retail investment model and was a pioneer in this field. A press release from 2019 hailed the incoming tighter regulations in the P2P sector that year, claiming these would “raise standards in risk management, governance, disclosure, marketing and wind-down planning – decisively addressing any sense that P2P is lightly regulated.”

Rhydian Lewis, RateSetter CEO, said: “We will look back on this as a watershed moment for our industry – the moment that peer-to peer investing came of age as an asset class, competing against other mainstream investment options and the banks as an attractive way to put money to work.” But ironically, RateSetter essentially became one of the big boy banks they originally sought to take on. The aim of the new regulations was to reduce the P2P lending sector’s ‘wild west’ reputation, but in 2020, RateSetter announced its takeover by Metro Bank and advised that they too would stop crowdfunding loans, with all money for future loans coming from their new parent company.

Closing out the original Big Three, Zopa was in fact the first ever P2P lending platform in the UK but it, too, succumbed to the twin pressures of increased regulation and what the CEO Jaidev Janardana cited as negative investor sentiment towards P2P which made continuation of the retail investment arm of the business impossible. Zopa became a bank itself in 2018, but during the pandemic the firm decided that costs were too high to give satisfactory returns to retail investors and meet their obligations to borrowers. The difference is that Zopa, being a bank, bought back the investments of approximately 60,000 RI customers at face value, so anyone with an ISA through them didn’t have to wait for loans to mature or any other wind down before they could take their ISA elsewhere.

Lending Works
In 2021, another consumer lending platform, Lending Works, closed its P2P structure after eight years in the sector. Founded in 2014 and backed by angel investors, the platform was developed to provide personal loans. Fast forward to 2023 and the company is now known as Fluro, and backed by institutional funding lines. Today, not only does it offer personal loans backed by fintech and data to offer the now-standard features of decisions in minutes, pre-approval, and flexible payback schemes, it also has an industry offering of lending-as-a-service, powering UK businesses and household names like Direct Line and GoCompare.

Diversification and moving away from crowdfunding its loans has enabled Lending Works to ride out the storm of Covid and develop new and exciting offerings in the fintech sector. However, it too decided to pay back its P2P loans using a gradual runoff model until all its lenders were repaid.

Another firm founded in 2014 was CrowdProperty, and it’s still thriving today, having stuck to its original model and come out the other side of the pandemic. It was originally founded to tackle two problems: that of SME property businesses struggling to access the finance they needed, and that of investors being offered inferior rates for years since the financial crash of 2008. But the platform undoubtedly also benefited from the trend towards, not away from, property that took place in the pandemic.

While other sectors such as leisure, travel, and lifestyle businesses took a hammering, housing prices shot up and demand way outstripped supply. The firm states that one of its aims is to tackle the housing shortfall in the UK, and even with millions of pounds invested via CrowdProperty and elsewhere, the housing crisis shows no signs of easing and so demand will surely soar for some time yet.

Weathering the Covid storm
Four out of the five biggest lending platforms have now scaled back what they are doing or removed their retail investment offering altogether. The coronavirus pandemic can be blamed for many thousands of businesses going under, and it’s ironic in a way that some of the platforms ended up turning into the big banking models that they were originally founded to challenge.

There are two upsides for SMEs: not only do they have more choice in the fintech sector and options other than traditional institutional lending, but with that new size and power comes lending clout and greater stability for their businesses. But the platforms have largely turned away from retail investors.

Looking back to 2020, one of the first things that 36H group did was to win approval to be involved in the government-backed loan scheme for small business Covid recovery. On the surface this achievement sounds wonderful and as though it would be well within the scope of what these platforms were intended to do; namely, help SMEs. But perhaps it turned out that the other aspect of Covid, combined with the relative ease of institutional lending by comparison, was enough to force the platforms to rethink their crowdfunding model.

Most online brokers now have funds for unicorn businesses and start-ups

Indeed, who could forget the overall stock market crash that happened in early 2020, reflecting how investors the world over became more hesitant; no doubt retail investors also had doubts about putting more money into crowdfunding, and many more financially secure people were instead turning to more traditional savings, or even splurges.

This meant the P2P platforms suddenly experienced less interest, and income, from their retail investors and so to fulfil their commitment to SMEs, they had to fund loans through more traditional institutional means.
As for the retail investors themselves, many of them will have moved on to other investment vehicles. CrowdProperty, however, is still going strong. Maybe it’s because it is a little more niche, offering investment only within the property sector, rather than for all SMEs or individuals.

Certainly through coronavirus, its sector was lucky to be boosted rather than stymied. But that is not the only factor at play within the much wider and more complex environment of property and finance in the UK, and – lack of – traditional access to either. By sticking within its niche market, CrowdProperty’s magic formula seems to be that it essentially enables anybody with a few hundred pounds spare to be a property investor. It empowers someone who is interested in property as an investment vehicle to access this and gain comparatively stable, but not guaranteed, returns. It doesn’t offer exposure to the open stock market, and it removes the hassle and expense of taking on a buy-to-let property or other significant financial and energetic burden.

Lending platforms emerged several years ago to connect small businesses to small lenders

Property as an investment class is still incredibly attractive in the UK and abroad, and a quick look at the media flags up many reasons for this, from good old supply and demand to new and exciting property stars on social media influencing ever younger generations.

CrowdProperty allows ordinary people to invest across an entire property portfolio without buying anything directly, and crucially, allowing wide diversification within the ISA wrapper. There is the option to invest large amounts of money into any one project, but equally it has an auto invest function that acts as a protector to over-exposure and diversifies your money across every project that gets approved, if you so wish. Over the past years the platform has also offered rates of return significantly higher than banks and building societies, even now that these traditional institutions have started increasing their own interest rates post-Covid. No wonder this remains an attractive option for many.

Investing in property on the open stock market is of course also an option, and there are index tracker funds dedicated solely to real estate investment trusts (REITs) and the property sector at large across markets worldwide. Indeed, within the UK ISA or the tax-free wrapper in other countries – such as the Roth in the US – you can access funds that are purely or largely focused on property, from development of housing estates to the construction materials used to build them. But it’s not just residential property. Many REITs cover any element of property you can think of; some specialise in storage facilities, some in logistics, others in specific markets like healthcare, real estate or office buildings.

So, someone who wants exposure to property as an asset class has good options for diversification that do carry risk. This is a different approach because you are still investing on the open market, and the usual warning applies – that you can get back less than you put in. CrowdProperty also carries risk, and every page of its website carries the warning to not invest unless you understand this, but the risk is slightly different as it is limited to borrowers who may default on their obligations.

The platform has a rigorous due diligence process in place and several non-negotiable backups to protect RI lenders against this risk, including ‘first charge security,’ which essentially gives CrowdProperty the same rights as a mortgage lender to take back a property if a borrower defaults on their repayments for any reason. The platform seems to have cracked the code by keeping things simple, getting regulated, mitigating the risks, and marketing themselves as a niche investment vehicle for one thing only. It, too, began as a fintech start-up, and continues to raise funding through traditional and non-traditional means. Where did CrowdProperty turn to when it wanted to fundraise in order to expand its businesses in the first half of 2023? Seedrs.

Where the smart money is
Turning back to the possibility of picking the next unicorn through a P2P platform, bear in mind the argument that businesses that choose the crowdfunding route sometimes do so either because they are not confident in getting backing from large investors, or, worse, they have tried and failed to do so. This may be the case with boutique or local businesses that are product-based and don’t have a clearly mapped exit strategy for those who want to put their money in, grow the company, and take it out again. In the US, local bars and hospitality businesses are increasingly trying the crowdfunding model to get their business off the ground in exchange for beer tokens, merchandise, or another type of reward, but not a share in the business itself. This increases engagement but does not represent a true investment. It’s therefore important to understand the difference between the small likelihood of identifying a start-up business with lots of growth potential through a crowdfunding platform and approaching P2P as an investment strategy forming part of a wider diversified portfolio.

Those who want to invest in small and emerging businesses can still do so, but ‘safer’ vehicles exist to do this. Most online brokers now have funds for unicorn businesses and start-ups that make the grade, and it’s possible to invest in these. The old advice stands though, of placing the lion’s share of your investment money into broad based index trackers of stable markets like the FTSE 100, and if you want to invest in something rare like unicorn businesses, to max this out at maybe one percent of your overall investment capital to minimise risk.

With small companies or kickstarters, people tend to invest because they might like the idea of the business

Despite being more accessible than ever before, most crowdfunding in individual start-ups might still be better aimed at sophisticated investors who know how to value a business, understanding the risks and that they might lose the money they invest. We have all heard horror stories of people putting their life savings into things like crypto and whatever new thing we are told is guaranteed to go stratospheric, but although it’s exciting to imagine this, slow and steady still wins the day for average retail investors looking to maximise their savings or pensions. It’s natural to look back and wish you’d invested in companies like Uber or Tesla when they were in their infancy, but for every unicorn success story, there are hundreds more that die a death before getting anywhere near that stage. Better to be realistic, and if you’re going to invest in start-up businesses, ensure you diversify your portfolio and understand the investment.

The original premise of both crowdfunding and P2P lending was to make these opportunities available for a new generation of money-savvy investors who had the means to invest, but not the enormous wealth to tolerate the risks. This premise has arguably succeeded, but education and execution remain key.

How Gen Z is navigating the world of wealth

More than 50 percent of the world’s population is under the age of 30. But raging global inflation means most of Gen Z, born in the late 1990s to late 2010s, can barely afford to pay rent and food bills. However, Gen Z is starting to harness its increasing buying muscle (see Fig 1) and the way they view their financial choices is different to previous generations. So, who are Gen Z listening to and trusting?

Dr Michael Harrison is a senior lecturer in economics and finance at the Royal Docks School of Business and Law at the University of East London. His expertise spans microeconomics and econometrics. He warns that Gen Z have never known a ‘normal’ financial sector in their entire adult life – so far. “They have seen consistently low real interest rates and consider that to be normal.” However, thanks to a new era of brutal inflation, among other pressures such as the cost of living, the real rate of return on any asset or investment has been negative.

How rational is it for any 20-something to walk into a bank and ask about savings products, let alone more opaque, investment-grade products like pensions? It’s not, says Harrison; Gen Z have had little incentive to explore. In other words, the shop front is in need of a refit, at least as far as bricks and mortar operations go. The asset management industry has often looked out of reach: over-complex, cryptic and reliant on knowledge well outside any educational curriculum. “I think it’s a shop front that many Gen Z will never go into. Even a savings product, much simpler than a pension, is not attractive.”

Quite serious and very different
But Gen Z are digital natives, at ease in a ‘post truth’ world where social media and relevant content is king and the conversation super-public. They have access to information – tons of it – about savings products and the financial industry if they want to look. Do they? Advertising executive Ian Baer has worked with many brands and works closely with companies who want deeper relationships with Gen Z. The collapse of financial institutions since the 2008 financial crash left the field open to new entrants, he says; monolithic institutions are much less trusted now.

The vehicle for engagement of this group is smarter financial education

“Gen Z are sort of running a parallel path,” says Baer. “They are very much living in the moment. They don’t know when life is going to get disrupted. For those who are older, the pandemic is a singular moment or period. Things were never quite the same before or after. But for Gen Z they’ve had three years of it taking up their adolescence and early adulthood. They don’t know it as uncommon. So they have this desire to experience as much of life as they can, as quickly as they can.”

“And they worry about the future. They are a generation struggling with how they’re portrayed in the media as selfie and social media obsessed. The reality is they are a very serious generation and quite principled,” Baer adds. How do you find the right voice, or channel to reach them? It’s especially sensitive, as Gen Z does not like to be told what to do, or what they need.

Tell a real story
While social media is often the default response, it’s not cut and dried, as we shall see. While ‘socials’ is still a relatively new medium for some financial players, for Gen Z themselves it’s not even social media. It’s just the way they connect with the world, Baer goes on. “It just happens to be through those channels.”

Connection with authentic content is valued. More storytelling – a lot more. More outreach, aspiration and education. “That’s what will draw them in,” Baer continues, but he warns Gen Z don’t think in terms of typical brand or consumer investor terms. “They need to be engaged with content that has meaning and value, whether they can experience or learn things vicariously through it.”

Think of a 26-year-old entrepreneur who’s starting to ‘make it’ and learning about some of the financial wisdom they’ve gained. “That’s going to be meaningful – the kind of experience a Gen Zedder wants to step into.” Recently Sooth, a marketing agency, tracked affinity scores – loyalty connection to brands – from 17,000 influencers. Gen Z rarely followed investment advisers or financial professionals online, they found, despite their cohort placing a high priority on saving. “These findings align with our broader insight that this generation doesn’t want to be instructed.”

Dangerous financial bias

“The UK’s tax system is quite regressive,” another financial adviser told World Finance. “There’s a very high tax burden on younger members of society compared to their elders.” Lifetime costs paid in tax or services and university debt from government is higher for recent generations. Someone who’s 30 will have a lifetime average cost of £30,000. But someone who’s now 21 could face around £100,000. National Insurance thresholds don’t tend to move with inflation, so younger people who work in lower-paid jobs will more likely creep into National Insurance bands. A great number of younger people across their lifetime will face more debt-linked costs, which may prevent them from saving. This gives them a stronger ‘now’ bias when confronted with savings products. “There are few products that meet the need for those who have a low ability to save.”

The female lead
“While both men and women care about savings,” Sooth went on, “women are 15 times more likely than men to prioritise saving money and will be much more likely to engage with content about savings advice.”

In contrast, men tend to see savings more in terms as a path to wealth accumulation. This is a major gender attitude divide. Online TikTok videos in this space typically address how to ditch debt or how to save money while travelling, or offer short chats about the power and risks of emotional spending.

Gen Z women tend to look to role models as self-made success stories, Sooth thinks: Kylie and Kendall Jenner hold more influence than any finance ‘expert.’ Think role models too such as US singers and actresses Zendaya and Selena Gomez. Gen Z women are doubly likely to look at content if there’s a music, fashion, or entertainment tilt.

But it needs to be honest or ‘real.’ Last year Zeed, a fintech video investment platform, secured more than £200,000 in early stage funding. Co-founder Rohan Regmi, a UCL economics graduate, had previously worked in private equity. Regmi felt Gen Z was underserved by financial services firms globally.

What Gen Z has picked up the most is when someone is being genuine or not

“We create real-time animations with financial data to help investors build convictions which are data-driven,” explains Regmi. “If someone is looking at a financial product, we help them to make comparisons with other products in terms of fees or what’s held in it.” Zeed also adds CEOs, fund managers and other content contributions into the mix, plus broker connectivity, allowing users to get content insights from holdings they already own. This is quite a potent mix, pairing in-house finance content with trade execution, helped along by AI and video.

“We’re able to deliver them content on their actual portfolio. So perhaps you’re up five percent but you don’t know why.” So it’s big on personalisation. Social media, then, plays a huge ‘content’ part. Yet James Berkeley, a strategy consultant who works with several major financial players, warns that social media isn’t the be-all and end-all – by any stretch.

He recently worked with Glasgow-based fintech company Nude, a goal-setting app helping Gen Z save for a deposit for their first home. “The challenge was: how do we attract, how do we engage this particular Gen Z cohort? But the difference between generations isn’t as big as those differences within generations.”

In other words, there are major differences in education, the health of the ‘bank of mum and dad’ (if there is one) and life chances. What Berkeley needed to do was strip back all preconceptions and treat everyone as individuals. “Then you can engage with them in different ways. So the first learning point is not to default to social media platforms. It’s actually a mix of different mediums, including the workplace.”

Can banks sell the financial future?

Pension saving is way off in the future for many Gen Z. How do you overcome the ‘present, right here, right now’ bias? When the financial goal moves into the future the incentive is less powerful.

One thing no pension advert can say is when you are X years old you will get this amount of money every year until you die. “You can’t spell it out in plain terms in an advert,” one financial adviser told World Finance.

“Trying to get that format across in 20 seconds given the restrictions on what can be said is difficult. There is also more chance of pensions not being accessed till someone is in their mid-70s and there are stringent rules about pension advertising.” In other words, pensions marketing is a very tough area to succeed in.

Pay slip advantage
Recently Berkeley worked with logistics company GXO, which has a younger staff profile in some business areas. One priority was to raise awareness with shop floor staff at a time of their lives when cash was important and saving for the future less so. The insights were obvious and not-so-obvious – the latter more interesting.

“Even posters and fliers that had been mailed through the workplace with pay slips had impact and traction, making decisions in which they would apportion some of their monthly salary,” he says. This is an approach as far away from TikTok influencing as you could think.

“The key point here is not an over-reliance on perceived modes of digital communication. We are all individuals. Communication must be unique, not generic. A multi-channel approach was by far the most effective.”
But much of the Gen Z investment ‘noise’ will inevitably divert to ‘social.’ Sigita Kotlere from fintech investment platform company Nectaro says the asset management industry needs to reiterate critical thinking and the promotion of “a wise lifestyle, moderation and mindful consumption.”

As for the workplace, Gen Z are less interested in working in the tech sector than millennials. Gen Z finds tech too turbulent, says the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), “and is less likely to want to pursue a career within the industry. This is seemingly due to the mass firings that have been seen across tech companies such as Alphabet, Meta and Amazon, exacerbated by the volatile nature of tech company stocks and shares.”

Steady tiller wanted
Another ‘want’ is stability, closely associated with financial independence, a consequence of the Covid pandemic, GMAC adds. Meanwhile, challenger app-based banks are doing their best to disrupt the Gen Z saving space, says Dr Harrison, tending to offer ‘one-stop-shops’ via partnerships with other providers, though Harrison is cautious about ‘robo’ financial advice in principle.

“I’m always a bit cautious when fintech is involved in financial planning. Robo advisers are not, by and large, able to delve into the world of tax,” he says. Pensions can be the right savings vehicle he adds, because for example, UK savers get a 25 percent tax write-down on anything they put into one which you don’t get on a mutual fund – but they’re not right for all. But the app-based business is evolving, as players like Zeed show. Human beings are expensive and app-based tech developed at scale is cheap.

A safer landing
In the UK, Royal Assent for lowering the pension auto-enrolment age from 22 to 18 was passed in September 2023, paving the way for introducing, potentially, better financial resilience for younger workers, especially those in the gig economy, many doing multiple low-paying jobs.

The pensions industry will need to think hard about how they target them. For many, pensions are boring and complex, though quick, short videos on topics – the power of compound interest being one example – can elicit quick-fire questions: How do I find a compound interest investment? Where would I go to do this? So the interest is there.

Young Pham is an investment analyst who works with BizReport, a finance-based media company helping individuals make financial decisions. Pham says investment companies have to lean deeper still into financial education. “Gen Z trusts and resonates with brands that provide value and education. Asset management firms should invest in educational content, such as webinars with Q&A sessions and social media posts.” Also look at micro-investing apps allowing users to invest spare change “from everyday transactions,” he says, where “Gen Z discusses personal finance. Asset managers can participate in these chats as credible sources of information and guidance.”

Check the family support bubble

YouGov researched how Gen Z explores and recommends financial products in 2023. 40 percent said they checked out price comparison websites, which was well down on the average UK consumer. “They are markedly more likely than all Brits to rely on advice from friends and family when it comes to purchasing insurance, 32 percent versus 18 percent,” YouGov says. “Websites of insurers/brokers they know, 16 percent, is also a popular medium of insurance research for Gen Z in Britain.” In other words, the personal element is everywhere and getting more important. Penetrating Gen Z’s ‘friends and family’ bubble isn’t easy for many financial players.

The three pillars of wisdom
The education emphasis resonates strongly with Berkeley. A lack of sound financial education from family or school continues to disadvantage many, frustratingly. “The vehicle for engagement of this group is smarter financial education. I can’t tell you how important it is. The quality of decisions that people make can have a transformative impact and schools are doing a wholly inadequate job,” he said.

Berkeley double downs on the three pillars of capital – cash, credit and investment. All three support everyone through a life: how do we think about them? How are these reliably replenished? How do wealth managers make their importance better understood? While TikTok influencers touch on all three often, myths of financial wisdom can also be created, often handed down via family members. Not all are helpful or relevant. But the point is that everyone’s experience is different – and life is expensive.

When the financial goal moves into the future the incentive is less powerful

Given super-high asset prices and cost of living expense, what savings optimism is there for Gen Z? Dr Michael Harrison thinks a future era of positive interest rates, not so battered by inflation, might nurture a wider, more natural mindset. But that’s a work in progress in many countries. Gen Z also carries rather more debt compared to millennials and Gen X. Right through their working career they will need to service it. Debt management guidance on student loan debt or other loans, including income-driven repayment plans along with a balanced financial plan are important, adds Sigita Kotlere.

A rebalancing of values
Jessica McDonald is a US-based financial adviser and a millennial, generally someone born between 1981 and 1996. She runs her own advisory business, Southern Wealth Builders. McDonald has a bird’s eye view of the pressures through her clients. “I think Gen Z is wildly misunderstood and dismissed for their age,” she says. “This generation is more creative overall and takes much better care of themselves regarding setting boundaries and not letting people take advantage of them.”

Gen Z trusts and resonates with brands that provide value and education

“Stereotypically, millennials, like me,” she goes on, “have not been able to say ‘no’ to appear more valuable, thus resulting in burnout and being overworked.” Gen Z has rapidly understood this and, she claims, stands firm on workplace values to maintain a life separate from work. What works she says, is to be 100 percent transparent. “With social media everywhere, what Gen Z has picked up the most is when someone is being genuine or not. That’s one reason why financial salespeople would not be as successful with Gen Z – Gen Z can’t tolerate being sold something.”

She pushes her clients to focus on the ‘why’ and emphasises financial literacy to fix bad habits and back up good ones. “Self care related to finances is a balance of your present self and your future self. We want to plan to make a better life for ourselves in the future, but not at the expense of making ourselves miserable.”

Meanwhile an intergenerational handover of capital is underway between boomers, millennials and Gen Z. While some of this conversation touches on old age, most current financial planning still swerves the huge cost of old age care long-term. But the asset management industry is trying to re-invent itself to remain relevant and to manage their money with meaning.

There are clearly deep generational divides in how money is made, spent and invested. Can it persuade Gen Z – and fast enough – to buy their story?