Sector embraces reform

The advance of mobile technologies is putting innovation at the forefront


Today’s reality provides elements and precise signals that must be interpreted correctly. Who today does not wish to be in several places and in contact with several people at the same time? The user would like to be able to harmonise the various commitments of his daily life, including job requirements and the desire to cultivate relationships with family and friends. This is why he chooses to use a tool that enables him to be present always and everywhere: the web. The need to access the web 24/7 meets the needs of contemporary living and constitutes a decisive trend for technological evolution.

If we consider the growth of personal computers, we can see how it was driven mainly by the internet, or the user’s need to connect and navigate. It is just a small step between connecting and needing to remain connected all the time. This is why the need to have small, portable devices has arisen.

Portable computers are getting smaller and smaller – between five and 10 inches – and have no keyboard, just a “touchscreen”. They are designed not only for writing or calculations, but also for surfing the web, reading newspapers or books, sending and receiving e-mails, and communications.

They are designed for using contents rather than producing them, they are the new so-called notepad PCs. Between the last quarter of this year and the first of 2011, Acer will launch its first new models of these mini-computers on the market, with the aim to reach, over the next year, the target of 10-15 million pieces sold.”

At the same time smartphones have changed their image, from intelligent telephones designed for elite users to true phenomena for the general public, and their invasion of the market is proof of this.

The intelligent phone segment is expected to reach a demand of 266 million pieces by the end of 2010, absorbing about one fourth of worldwide mobile phone sales. According to recent market research, there are currently four billion persons worldwide who have subscribed to mobile phone services and about 200 million smartphones are sold every year, with an estimated market growth of 15 percent annually over the next 3-5 years.

With the netbook, the tablet PC and smartphone, they are the natural and logical evolution, and the true lifeblood of Acer’s business.

Acer considers its mobile products – smartphones, netbooks and notebooks – to be web communication devices that come in different sizes and performances to meet diverse usage behaviours: from simple access to information and documents via web all the way to the creation of increasingly complex content.

It’s a natural evolution of the IT market. The individual is more and more digital: devices like these will get more and more popular in the community.

The relentless advance of mobile technologies (extended battery life, high definition streaming, cloud-based computing, content sharing platforms) will continue to allow users to create and consume content seamlessly across multiple devices anytime, anywhere.

Content is central to our life. And is now central to Acer’s world. Together with mobility, it remains a concept that Acer believes truly makes a difference.

But what is happening in the world of computers? The market has changed dramatically. The desktop has reached the end of its line and PCs are definitively portable, to the point that even in companies the portable transition has been consolidated. Consuming contents while no longer “seated” at your desk is the activity that boosts the turnover of leading PC manufacturers.

Today, mobility can no longer be fully addressed without the concept of convergence, or the capacity to use only one interface for all information services across multiple mobile data devices. Convergence becomes the basis of a multimedia experience enabling the most diverse communications devices to communicate with each other.
Convergence is the only opportunity to create innovation. Today we have a new ICT industry, that includes new products and services created through the real convergence of the 4Cs – Computer, Communication, Consumer electronics and Content.

The digital revolution stems from the computer, no longer intended as a simple device for the representation of data, but rather as a powerful tool designed to process and create, edit and consume information and media. Convergence enables an extremely close and previously unthinkable integration of extremely different codes and languages. This process directly involves methods of representing, exchanging and organising information, and is expressed in new and innovative ways made possible by technology.

Acer’s goal is to give every single person the absolute freedom and individuality to consume content from any source whatsoever. Acer has a full range of products, including eReaders, smartphones, Netbooks, handsets, Desktop, Monitors and TVs, which enable our customers to bridge the gap from simply receiving available content and creating it and consuming it wherever they are.

Acer recognised and embraced the “Creation to Consumption” consumer trend.

As a result, Acer offers products with a seamless experience between them. Every product can communicate easily with the others and the whole system is very easy to set-up.

In this way, the single devices connect and share content to create a single – and far bigger – digital content environment.

“As consumer and business users adopt multiple mobile data devices, they will demand that those converging devices deliver a seamless and continuous experience,” states Gianfranco Lanci, President and CEO of Acer Inc. “Acer, being a leading provider of mobile data devices of multiple form factors, is uniquely positioned to deliver such a converged experience.”

A growing number of devices are entering our homes. Often they answer specific purposes and usually it takes a lot of technical knowledge to get them to interact. Up to now. Acer has created a simple solution that enables devices to “talk” to each other simplifying the process of sharing contents. Acer, breaking barriers between people and technology, has removed yet another layer of complexity from people’s life.

To satisfy this growing demand for simplicity, Acer developed the unique Acer

This solution is more than hardware. And more than software. It’s a new entertainment experience that allows real time sharing and playing of multi-format content over multi-platform devices.

The Acer, therefore, is not limited to a single product but is an intelligent and innovative way of integrating technologies and devices in order to make digital content instantly available anywhere in the home. And out.
It’s based on putting people at the centre. It brings contents to the surface and makes them live the way they should: easy, intuitive, immediate, innovative.

Innovation evolves as time goes by and expresses itself in multiple shapes. Innovation cannot be conservative and must re-invent itself ever so often. Acer is the winning company in the hardware challenge. Now it’s time to make the difference. is, for Acer, the first step into a new era of content consumption.

For Acer, innovation is not only a technological issue. It’s also related to our behaviour, attitude, and way of life.

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