Leading the digital transformation in Moldova

An in-depth examination of how Moldcell’s CEO Carolina Bugaian’s empathetic leadership is shaping the company’s ‘Digitally Human’ customer-centric telecoms, writes Moldcell


Carolina Bugaian’s professional path is marked by her exceptional ability to navigate data intricacies, the relentless pursuit of knowledge and care for people. Joining Moldcell as Financial Director in 2006, she became the company’s first female executive in this pivotal role. Over 13 years, Bugaian took on crucial responsibilities, including leading the finance department of a telecom company in Nepal from 2013 to 2016.

Being a chartered accountant and internal auditor, Bugaian has a PhD in Economics, a Global Business MBA from Oxford-Brookes and specialised training in FinTech from Harvard. With this wealth of educational experience, Bugaian’s elevation to Moldcell’s CEO two years ago marked a transformative era. This move ushered in initiatives that solidified the company’s reputation as a sustainable business aspiring to put technology in the service of human beings.

In today’s dynamic business landscape, characterised by rapid change and technological leaps, leaders like Bugaian are the driving force behind transformative shifts. Her recent recognition in the European CEO Awards 2024 underscores her pivotal role in Moldcell’s evolution into a pioneering ‘Digitally Human’ enterprise.

Moldcell’s vision focuses on promoting digital literacy and inclusion among all segments of society

Bugaian’s leadership blends technological innovation with empathetic strategies, redefining the telecommunications landscape. From her roots as an auditor to her current position as a promoter of digital innovation, Bugaian’s trajectory epitomises a fusion of financial acumen, global experience and deep market insights driven by human touch. What sets her apart is a combination of pragmatism and empathy that brings meaning to Moldcell’s mission and sets the course for its future. Her strategic vision, combined with a deep commitment to digital empowerment and human-centric values, has not only distinguished Moldcell but also set new standards in the global mobile telecommunications landscape.

Transcendent tech
In a competitive and dynamic sector where digital innovation stands at the forefront, fostering transparency, open dialogue, and customer-centric collaboration is absolutely critical for success, and this is where Bugaian’s leadership ethos resonates most. A profound grasp of evolving client and employee aspirations is needed and Bugaian’s philosophy transcends technology’s mere utility, focusing instead on leveraging it to enrich lives and foster community bonds. Moreover, effective communication and transparent decision-making form the bedrock of her approach. By championing open discourse and ensuring information accessibility, she harnesses the team’s diverse perspectives and expertise to tackle complex challenges and propel business growth.

Moldcell CEO, Carolina Bugaian

Transparency, sincerity and empathy are the hallmarks of Bugaian’s style. These attributes have propelled Moldcell to global acclaim for its investments in employee well-being, earning accolades in the People & Culture category at the World Communication Awards in Amsterdam. Under her stewardship, Moldcell’s purpose to “bring the whole world into your hands so that you could enjoy life even more” reflects a commitment to inclusivity and social responsibility.

With these strategies in place, Moldcell is entering fresh territory, expanding its market reach and solidifying its position as a ‘Digitally Human’ operator. In addition to technological advancements, Bugaian has placed a strong emphasis on customer-centricity and experience. Moldcell’s vision focuses on promoting digital literacy and inclusion among all segments of society, ensuring that Moldcell’s services are accessible and beneficial to everyone.

Bugaian’s impact on Moldcell’s success in the last two years has been undeniable. Her focus on innovation, customer-centricity, and social responsibility has not only driven Moldcell’s growth but also positioned it as a leader in a new and exciting era of telecommunications. Bugaian’s vision foresees a future where digital access transcends barriers, empowering individuals of all backgrounds to thrive in the digital age, and her achievements and contributions continue to shape Moldcell’s journey towards continued excellence and a positive impact on the industry.