Africa is a continent that has undergone a remarkable transformation and this is in no small measure down to building resilience and rock-solid risk management into the heart of its banking systems
Access Bank takes an innovative, 360 degree approach to sustainability, resulting in a diverse menu of ESG initiatives across environmental, social and governance levels
One of the few banks that have gone ‘all-in’ on sustainability, Access Bank realised long before many others that responsible investment and societal impact were crucial not just for financial performance, but for securing the wellbeing of all for generations to come
From issuing Africa’s first corporate green bond to empowering entrepreneurs in the local community, Access Bank is leading the charge for sustainability in Nigeria’s banking sector
Financial inclusion still has a long way to go in Nigeria, but the digital solutions provided by Access Bank ensure that fewer citizens than ever lack access to vital banking services
CEO Herbert Wigwe explains how the post-merger Access Bank is matching its new leading status with a reformed compliance framework
Herbert Wigwe discusses the African bank’s sustainability and financial inclusion goals
Now with 29 million customers, it’s a totally different ballgame for Access Bank, says CEO Herbert Wigwe
Nigerian banks must continue to push the boundaries of innovation if citizens are to profit from the country’s transition to a digitalised financial system
Conscientious financial institutions like Access Bank are recognising the benefits of sustainable banking and the positive effect this can have on both the company and wider society
Founder and CEO Herbert Wigwe plots the path to becoming the world’s most respected African bank
Some organisations may be tempted to cut back on sustainability measures perceived to be costly and uncompetitive, but Nigeria’s Access Bank has found these programmes to be the key to ensuring its future